Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday March 20 2017

I have slept OK. Today I had a Tylenol for pain relief.

A few  parts of my body are hurting today

Today is the fist day of Spring 2017, the winter equinox happened last night, and now we are going toward longer and longer hours of sun light.

I was able to walk with some care this morning. I took a large snapshot of the park and send it right away. Electronic is good when it works. We are waiting for some rain. It is in the forecast for the next few days. It will be clearing the air and the apartment from the accumulated pollen and dust.

I will be taking care of moving the  plant I have on  my balcony away from the open rain.

Yesterday It was Sunday March 19 and in the morning I went to church at S. Philippe the Apostle church on 7100 Stockdale Hwy.

There was a very good gospel.

S. Paul says Hope does not disappoint.

The  gospel was about a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus Christ approached her and asked for some water. Then he started talking to her. She talked with Christ about her journey.
His disciples were astonished that He had started talking to her.

There are three elements to this reading

1) God initiates the call as Jesus initiated to talk with the woman
2) The response to the Lord by the woman
3) The call we have is to share Jesus's call.

Overall I thought it was a good gospel
As offer I gave the whole $24 for my outing as I did not feel going to the movie outing this past weekend. Too much commotion over all. Simply not interested in the movie.

There was a  needy person outside the church waiting for some donation, I asked to stop the van and gave them a couple of dollars.  I felt good in my heart.

It is all good.

After church I had a quick lunch, signed off and walked to the gym  by myself.
It takes me  40 minutes to walk from the apartment.

On Sunday I am focusing on my own program, a lot of walking and light weight, abdominal and shoulder. 
The exact program is reported in the picture above from my memory book where I take notes.

I then came back to the apartment by myself 

I signed back in at 4 pm and went on cooking.

I prepared a good vegetable soup on the stove.
I sliced a large onions, smashed a few garlic cloves, cut carrots and celery stalks.

I added a red pepper and a couple of Russel potatoes.

I used Coconut Oil for cooking.

I sliced carefully all the veggies 

I added Organic wild rice to the soup.

It all cooked gently on the stove. I added a box of precooked lentils to the pot.

I enjoy my cooking spree.

Simona tells me it is because I am cooking only for myself and I do not have the kids to cook for.
She is definitely correct. However the quantity I normally cook would be good for the whole family.

Simona went to   grocery Shopping at Costco with the kids.

Last Saturday march 18  I took care of the apartment doing the extra cleaning that is required on the weekend.

Carpet cleaning in the living room

Carpet cleaning on both bedrooms

I am looking good with my home  attire.

Carefully cleaning my bathroom.

I washed the floor in the kitchen. Finally took care of the dust from all the surfaces.
The fridge had been clean not so long ago, I made sure it was up to date.

It all looks and smells clean.

I walked by myself to Trader Joe's. I spent $86.12. It is the usual healthy and Organic grocery shopping.
This time Jamie was not there. 
Molly was there at the store. She did not allow anyway to buy anything but milk. 
I asked her just to be safe.
I  returned with the CNS van, however while getting out I banged my head forcefully against the metal frame. It is really hard. I had a scratch on my skull. Whenever I touch it it is still hurting
Obviously my shead is stronger than the steel frame.

Afterward I cooked my lunch and I had been writing to my kids.

It is a long letter written in English language and block letters.
Our kids do speak Italian as well but they only read English as they are going to school in California.

I had a light and filling dinner. Veggies salad a boiled egg with a light mayo and an apple.

I did not feel like going to the movie.

So I stayed busy by writing instead.
I  wrote a letter for my mother in law Anna.
It is written in Italian and cursive. She has arrived to stay with us from Italy. She is still adjusting as she is jet lagged.

last Saturday I also I took my weight at the apartment,  it is 177lb

Last Friday March 17 I went to the gym by myself. 

I had my Zumba time with Caroline fun fitness. She is the person in Red shirt. At her left in green Salve. Another person at Caroline right and finally me with my black phone.

The same people here 

Taking one more picture all together.

Caroline has a kids library in Bakersfield. She  has a whole wall dedicated to  dr. Zeus's book and The  cat in the hat story.

After Zumba I was feeling great. I called CNS and let them know I was coming back to the apartment by myself.

They told it was fine.

I signed back in at 7:20pm .

At the gym  I am feeling well.

Enjoy the reading

Tomorrow it is expected rain with more rain in the forecast for Wednesday

Today I went to AAC in Mnt Vernon greeted everybody, then  read out the newspaper.
We all sang Happy Birthday to a person at AAC.
She had appreciated our little celebration.

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