Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday March 1st

Today it is the first day of March.

In the ancient tradition of Rome it is  the Ides of March.

It commemorates the day when Julius Caesar decided to cross the river Rubicon with his legions.

In doing so be broke the rule of bringing into the Roman capital an army.

His purpose was to  end the corrupted system that had become the Republic of Rome.

He replaced it with an  empire and he become the  emperor.

Sounds like a Star War movie.... there might be a connection between the two, who knows.

Later  Caesar  will be assassinated  by a group of rebels lead by his adopted son Brutus

(Tu quoque brute filli mii -in Latin you too oh Bruto my son)

Well in crossing the Rubicon river, Caesar said the famous sentence " Alea Iacta est" in Latin it means " the die is cast" .  It therefore meant that his decision and consequences were irreversible.

Anyway this is a bit of history long time ago is was the year 49BC, about 2000 years ago.

How do I know all this history? Well it is part of my knowledge.

I slept well last night and wake up in a good spirit ready for my day.

As a part of my money management I  returned the receipts at the reception.

I voluntarily helped around at the apartment taking care of a few items to thrown away.
Nobody forced me they all let me do it as I was feeling to help.

When  it is too heavy or leaky I have been asked to leave it there.

The park is really a nice place to do some walking in the morning
In the morning the air is clear and pleasant.

I enjoyed very much my morning walk beside taking my morning picture.

My hand is getting steadier and my legs more stable. I am able to rotate my trunk better while keeping my upper body leveled and anchored to the ground. I am waiting to be connected to the network before sending this picture. I am tired of seeing my cell phone Verizon bill sky-rocking high.

I can not believe there is no better plan other than this one. I think my wife has resolved herself in receiving those immense bill. Well it is up to her to decide what to do with it.

Right now she has a lot of things on her plate, it might be hard to shop around for her.

On the 8th of this month it is the  International woman day.

On this day women are to receive a mimosa flower as a sign of respect.

Let's come to myself.

I had a good and healthy breakfast: Chia seeds with yogurt. Cereal with milk and high fiber multi grain medley cereal.

A lot of water to balance my diet and a tad of coffee.

I cleaned the whole apartment before leaving on my way to the AAC.

I went to the AAC interacted with the other patients. I have been asked to read the horoscope today.
So I did it, not my preferred activity because I don't really believe on any horoscope printed in any newspaper or magazine. Superstition  far from a scientific fact not corroborated by any aspect of life.

Good for people that are suggestible.

Here is a good definition for it. Please pay attention to the "false but plausible information"

Suggestibility is the quality of being inclined to accept and act on the suggestions of others; where false but plausible information is given and one fills in the gaps in certain memories with false information when recalling a scenario or moment.

I am a rational person, I am not suggestible depending on the horoscope of the newspaper.

I am simply a rational person that does not believe in horoscope.

I am not a suggestible person. When you are a rational person it is hard to believe in fairy tails.

 Apparently this is not the way  it goes here. How can you believe  something so generic and so  random.

Yesterday evening I had some dinner with a couple of eggs and when to the 24 fitness gym by signing out and walking.
I arrived at 5:40pm

I had body pump with Ellie and later Zumba with Mike
I have been very kind with Ellie has always. She accepts it and appreciate it.

The Personal Trainer -Matt- was duly put to rest. He chased me everywhere. He called me on every phone he possible get a hold of me.

He overstepped his boundary and he was too zealous in his mission.

He had been breaching all sort of privacy rules, by calling me everywhere.

Well I complained to the manager at the gym, I complained to gym employee. He ended up by saying well a Personal Trainer is not for everybody...

Well dear Matt if you want to take this as a carrier you have to learn to understand your boundary and your scope of work.. I understand you are paid based on your customer base, and it is hard to have a prospective customer to go away.
But enough about you.

I have been given a small crockpot finally.

I am planning to use it soon. I am going to make a soup with it.

I need to check on the web about the recommendation

Apparently it takes 3 to 4 hours to make a minestrone soup using a setting HIGH.

I will need to get organize around it hopefully tomorrow


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