Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday March 23

This morning I completed the money management phase for this week. As expected it is the standard amount, that is $24 for outing and $75 for grocery. As mentioned many time the grocery shopping is the part where my bills are always above $75. It is much easier to balance my outing money.
At time I am not going to the movie and I give it all as offer at church at S. Philips the Apostle Church.

I have been told many time that it is important that I keep track of the money phase,  it is acceptable for me to go above the set limit.  The extra money I normally need for food is coming from my personal account ad ultimately from my wife Simona.  My Innovation Program  Coordinator  -IPC- Anna is kind to inquire with me whether I need any extra  money.

As I am shopping at Trader Joe's  where there is a lot of Organic food to buy.

I do not buy any low nutrition food or bad quality food. I am not attracted to it.
the food cost is a big part of my weekly expenditure.

I  had a good and healthy breakfast.
Oatmeal, high fiber cereal, milk, blueberry, mix-berry, chia seeds and a yogurt.

I slept quietly and peacefully. Retainer first.

I wake up on time and had time to do a lot of useful things.

It has been raining in Bakersfield.

The air is clean, the street and walkaway have been cleaned from the accumulated dust.

The local plants and flowers are the happiest one.

At the apartment there are new flowers and the roses are blossoming.

The atmospheric pressure is changing. This induces me several headaches. I believe my head has become sensitive to the weather.

Anyway I continue to stay active in the morning by doing my round at the park. Walking long stride and sensing the morning peaceful hours.

There is a school near the park, the kids are always playing outside before classes start in the morning.
They are enjoying their minutes of open hair before their busy day.

Drenching rain has been hitting the local area.

This morning I talked with my IPC, she convened with me that a new and larger crock pot request is a useful request for me. I like to use the crock pot however it takes a long time to cook the meat.
Last time I used it I added too much water.

Anna mentioned that there is no need to add water to the crock-pot. I am going to read more regarding this matter.

Right now I have a small size crock-pot . I am thinking that by using a larger one I can do more with it.

the day before yesterday I  had my hair cut at a local simple family hair salon. It is called The Upper Cut. Then I proceeded to the gym.

Yesterday morning I provided the receipt and I got reimbursed for it.

As a planed yesterday evening I was left with only going to the gym. In the evening I had a quick dinner, got my metagenics, and at 5:30 pm signed out.  I arrived at 5:56pm. It was pouring down  rain so I got soaked wet on my the way of walking to the gym.

I survived stoically and proceeded to  my workout.

At the gym I had cycle with Marie Cassie Tessandori. A good aerobic static cycle hour.

At the gym the are always  the good and healthy people of the community.

Marie Cassie was leading the class, she greeted me by saying Hi Joseph.  She was happy I made it yesterday despite the inclement weather.

She also sup'ed a class of body pump which is normally lead my Sylvia.

Sylvia was attending a birthday so yesterday she was not available.

I took part to the body pump class. I stayed light and focused on repetition and range of motion.

I know that whenever I am doing any strenuous effort my head hurt and my body is not cooperating with me. I am not there to bulk up I am there to stay fit.

Anyway I stayed until 7pm afterward it was time for me to leave the gym. The class was still on going when I left. I stretched accurately and then called CNS and asked if I could come back by myself.They agreed and mentioned that it was fine. I walked back and  signed back in at 7:35pm at the apartment.

I went to AAC greeted everybody, read the newspaper and went trough the horoscope of the day, - despite the fact I am not absolutely believing on this matter- I was asked to read it for all the other patients.
Fine I did it anyway, hopefully it does not become a habit for them. I am absolutely skeptic and it is beyond my understanding on how you can remotely spent time on this pointless matter.
They all kindly lessened to me reading the news of the day which is the real meat of the newspapers.

We did not cover what has happened in the worlds, for instance the terrorist attack in London.

Well it has happened in UK.. too distant for sensing its echo in US?

Here it is the real matter that has happened in the real world.

Was the horoscope not predicting it dear CNS? You should read the horoscope from yesterday and ask to those poor people being killed about their feeling..
Imagine that

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