Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday March 6 2017

It  has been a good and fulfilling weekend.

I  managed to stay healthy and well.

 Let review the salient aspect of the weekend.

Last Friday March 3rd  I went to the gym for my Zumba lesson.

This time Carol had the night off and Mike was teaching the class.

He is a very interesting person. He has yellow to white hair and wear a large necklace.

His day job is at Kaiser Permanente. He is a good instructor anyway. I could see from the face of the other people that they were startled and puzzled. I enjoyed my self a lot

At the end he told me that Carol will be back next week.

I walked  myself to the gym and came back with CNS.

Last Saturday Match 4  I took care of  carefully cleaning my apartment

As usual I have extra time during the weekend to take care of things in a special way.

I cleaned the whole apartment.

I first run the  vacuum cleaner and used the broom to take care of the little corners that are are to reach with a vacuum cleaner.

I washed the kitchen floor with a swifter.

I have been cleaning the faucet  and restroom by making sure it was carefully disinfected

The floor's tiles were washed with a swifter.

I run the vacuum cleaner on the carpet of the whole apartment.

the living room was carefully taken care of.

the carpet on the my bedroom  was carefully cleaned 

I also cleaned the second bedroom. It is currently  empty. I keep my boxes inside.
I like to keep it clean.

I run the vacuum cleaner on the carpet of the living room

Here is a view of the whole apartment after cleaning it all. I like the look, feeling and smell of clean.
I enjoy very much keeping it all looking and feeling great.

Today I only asked house keeping to please wash the curtain of the shower.

Of course I washed all my clothes, changed my bed  and washed  my bathrobe.

How early do I wake up? I believe at 6am. It does not  does not matter  the day of the week.
When I am at home with my family I am allowed to wake up early but not to disturb anybody as they are resting.

At 9am I was  ready to go for Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

I signed out and went walking by myself.

As always I had a lot of great time at the store.

They all know me and are happy to help me figuring out whatever I do not find.
Last time I found more that I should.

Jamie is always there  to greet me. She is the person at my right hand side.

She told me that Saturday for her is the first day back to work after her weekend.

After shopping we all took a picture.

Lacey was also happy to be in this picture with us

I choose   a lot of good, healthy and Organic food.

Also as I told them Simona was coming to visit me they helped me  selecting  a great flower composition. It  is for Simona from the boys and myself. 

My bill was $95.75 which is fine as I am regularly  eating at the apartment and I  buy good on healthy food.

This time I mentioned  I wanted to cook something good in the crock pot.
I have been recommended to buy some pork- I never buy it anyway.

 Jamie was quick in inquiring on whether I was allowed to eat it.

I told her I am OK with it. 

So here are the flower in my apartment.

Simona came to visit me She is going to be busy  this week.
Simona is going from Tuesday to Thursday to Harvard University.
She is going to be giving a seminar over there. The boys are staying with Marina our nanny.

In the evening of Saturday we  all went to eat Sushi at the Japanese restaurant Miyoshi on Stockdale HWY.

In the family we all love sushi.

The boys had a real blast and were very happy  to eat it.

We all had a good time.

The boys were very going for it.

Here is Simona and the boys. Chicco is always going around with a T shirt.

A picture with the family in front of a plate of Tempura

This is me and Chicco- our eldest.

Obviously I was a close  second behind the boys.

Chicco was really giving me a good example on how much to eat.

Lapo was having troubles with his chopsticks. He was given a special device to connect to the chopsticks to ease the use of it.

It provides a leverage point and makes easier to handle the eating tool.

Chicco was really really happy to eat Sushi.

At the end we were all really satisfied. 
At the end they brought us a composition with oranges.

Here are the boys  posing with me

The boys had a blast.

Because the family came for a visit I did not go the movie outing.
It is fine by me.
Afterward we went with Simona to buy an over the counter patch for my back.

By the way I noticed that our eldest son Chicco is changing his voice. 
He is 12 years old. He getting trough some transformation phase. His hair is curling 

This is the patch for my sore back. It is called Salonpas patch

Earlier this morning I brought it to Melissa at AAC to show  her this is what I need for my back pain.
All I need is her approval and she has to record what kind of medication I am taking. This is a simple procedure.

On Sunday morning March 5 I went to the S. Philippe church on Stockdale Hwy.

It was a raining day

Because over the weekend I did not go to the movie I gave the whole $24 to church as offer.

They certainly will be using well. It was the first Sunday of Lent.

The Gospel was about the temptation of Jesus Christ.
God gave us dignity: He gave all the chances we need. We are His children.

After church I had a quick lunch and then off to the gym. I signed out at 1:30 pm and arrived at 2pm

I have been following a different routine that is more forgiving of my back.

Here it is
Walking on the treadmill machine for 1 mile in 30 minute time.
Rotary Torso 3x20x30lb
crunch 3x20x30
chest press 3x20x25lb
VMV machine at level 5 : pulling down on a robe for 1 mile.

Stretching and finally leaving at 3:40pm . I signed back at the apartment  at 4:15pm
On time for my metagenics meds.

A snack and in the showers.

Finally cooking and relaxing time.

I carefully cut carrots, celery, onions and garlic.
I used Coconut Oil for cooking.

I picked some Rosemary from the CNS garden

I believe it is a great picture the one below

Here is the broccoli soup ready to cook

a bit of pyramid salt, a vegetable bouillon cube and it went by itself slowly and slowly.

All I needed is to wait for it to cool down and divide into several boxes for storage in the fridge.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a very busy day. I would have called the house cleaning my workout, yet you still made time for the gym, good for you. Sorry about your back pain, I hope the patch works well for you. My wife uses one at night and is able to sleep through till morning.

    Rudy Swanson @ HAAKER
