Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday March 21

Well let's say that my morning has not been really a great one.

Yesterday night at 11pm after taking my meds and my sleeping pills Ambient an NRS came and rang the door of my apartment. He said he was doing my coverage at that time of the night.

He is a tall African American person. Obviously he does not know  that I am taking a lot of drugs for sleeping. My wish with Vanessa or Dedra is to have him fired on the spot because of his mistake.

It is not the first time somebody is coming along and makes a mistake.

Another time was Martin the counselor. apparently this is the place where everybody can make a mistake and not paying for it...
By the way next time somebody is  coming to bag me at that time I will take a picture of this person for CNS's  and for  my own record. I hope you guys understand that I am very short tempered when CNS behaves mistakenly like yesterday night and my sleep hygiene is affected. A picture is worth hundred words... let's see what will happen next.

I strongly defend my sleeping habit. If anyone of the NRSs at CNS do make a mistake, then management has to take care of this individual. He clearly is not able to fulfill his function nor to fulfill his minimum employment requirement. This is not rocket science, it is simply to be respectful after all this is not a job that is that hard to do.

I am very in a poor status today.
I went to AAC, read the newspaper of the day among the cacophony of the present.

In my experience based on today's environment it  is a perfect useless action among the greatest confusion of people taking over, of the ones that are screaming, the ones who wants to hear  etc etc.

Over there they do not even know the meaning of the words cacophony. Miss C. does not understand the word cacophony.

 I explained the etymology and that it is a composed words from the ancient Greek. It is composed by the root  cacos and phonos , literately it means "bad sounds"

 When I told her  she answered me in return that she did not care much about it. Shall I say I am not surprised. Knowledge is a privilege for the few. Illiteracy is the power of the people.

Here is the definition  from the web anyway

cacophony is a mishmash of unpleasant sounds, often at loud volume. It's what you'd hear if you gave instruments to a group of four-year-old and asked them to play one of Beethoven's symphonies.

This is a gentle definition the one I am referring to is based on real adult screaming people. I am tired and sick of being forcefully obliged to share the space with all these patients. I can not stand it any longer.

Today's  sky before the rain.

I left the AAC really annoyed and absolutely pissed off by  my futile time spent there, reading the newspaper among the careless attention of everybody, among the total and absolute disinterest of the local population. It is a torture for me. I am completely indignant for the unfair treatment. And the Insurance is paying for this therapy? I did not even wanted to sign off from the AAC as otherwise it is the norm. Every day is the same torture and the same story, like McCain got tortured  for several year when he was POW in Vietnam.

The irony is that I voluntarily replaced my military service in Italy with my two years of  work at CERN in Switzerland.

I am totally and unequivocally  conscious of my choice and of my total rejection of the AAC as a therapy  place.

Call it therapy... how much does it costs? A price listing would be very appropriate for this matter so that I can start calculating my money back request. I would like to see a break down and a a la carte price listing.

- Reading the newspaper everyday is priced this amount of money....

- If the people around you are screaming or interrupting it is worth that amount of money times ten

- If Mr R. the patient that screams - for instance he has been banned from the S.Philips church- is present and is screaming then it is a twenty fold increase of the value.

Anyway today at  AAC my  nurse Melissa told  me that I have a dentist appointment next month.
I have a dentist cleaning waiting for me. She told me to remember to bring the night guard as well.
I duly noted both on my memory book and my phone.

Yesterday I went to the gym at 5pm after my metagenics and a quick dinner.

I  signed out at 5;05pm  and walked to the gym where I arrived at 5:36pm. I had yoga with Lilli
We were scheduled to get cycle class with Misty, however she did not showed up. The gym improvised something. I had to leave at 7pm I walked back and signed back in at 7:30pm

Outside the gym I notice this nice corvette. I took a picture, kind of nice looking car.

For my  family however it is very unpractical.

The kids have not space, beside when they are in the car it is their place to relax and enjoy the space without much restriction or limitation. However Simona is making sure they do not soil the car. They are good kids. They spend so much time in it that they are fully equipped with DVD player, snacks, water to drink and so on and so forth.

I had a light snack and went to bed. Using my hear plug to get a peaceful environment.

The family is well, Simona is at the office, the kids are at school. This afternoon they have piano lesson with Liz.

Today my head is exploding my shunt hurts it is the result of yesterday night action by that special African America, stupid and useless NRS. I am most definitely enraged by his careless action.

The result of my night is that I have already drunk all my coffee and it is not even ended the day... Dear CNS are you congratulating yourself for torturing me today?

I let you answer to this question
Giuseppe Rossi

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