Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday March 9

Well it is all well but my head.

I  am having a very strong and persistent headache.

It drives me nuts, it is is like an explosion inside my skull, persistent and pulsing  explosion inside my head like fireworks. To be more descriptive I feel my pupils trying to escape out from my  eyes' orbit.
Sort of unpleasant feeling to have.

I already had a Tylenol from Jennifer at nursing this morning, I feel it is not working.

Today as part of the money program management I was paid my weekly salary.

I received $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

I normally stay within the budget as far as the outing money is concerned.
Whatever I do not spend for the normal outing activities I am offering to church. The rule is use it or loose it. So church is a good place for using it and balancing by outing money ($24)

As far as the grocery money is concerned I  am at a different level.

I like to eat Organic whenever it makes sense.

I buy a variety of fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables. I  keep my diet  rich in nutrients.

I buy no red meat, whenever I buy meat it is always white meat: turkey, chicken or the latest one  has been  a pork tenderloin cut that I have cooked in the slow cooker. Actually I did not like it that much.

I buy Organic milk, Oatmeal, a lot of nuts.

I normally have blueberry and Chia seeds for my breakfast.

This morning I had  a quick breakfast, I called it a headache breakfast.
Oatmeal, cold cereal with Milk and mixed berry, a yogurt with Chia seeds.

There was no newspaper today. Once in a while it happens with the local Bakersfield newspaper distribution.  It is bound to happen when you rely on a distribution system like the one ensured by the vending machine.

Personally I believe that the local printed newspapers can not compete against the big one of the size of the New York Time or The Washington Post. Obviously they are national newspapers.

It is true that the local newspaper brings the local news that many in the community like to be aware of. I  frankly feel I am not so connected to the local community for relying  on the local news.

 As a replacement of the newspaper I brought with me my Economist magazine to read at the AAC where I went early this morning.

They have been  telling me it is too difficult for the audience and  asked me to keep it simple and so I did. Accepted and adjusted to this request.

I read simple articles of general interests. It  was about President Trump and his latest budget proposal.
I understood and complied with the request at my best.

I walked around at the park trying to get rid off my headache. It is a persistent one today.

My mother from Italy told me to get my blood pressure measured.

 I feel today my head is bound to explode in a thousand of small pieces.

Yesterday evening I did a lot of very fun physical activities. Today I might pay the price for it.  As always I started my evening by distributing  the schedule to all the apartments.

At 5pm I signed for the movie on Saturday afternoon at the Maya. I am checking the showing right now and I have not identified a compelling movie to watch yet.

 Yesterday I had a quick dinner,  signed out from the apartment and went to the gym by myself.

It takes me about 30 minutes to walk there in the afternoon.

I arrived on time for my two classes.

I had static cycle with Cassie Marie - good cardio an good endurance.
Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia. It is weight lifting and range of motion.
 I take this class but in reality I am not an iron pumper, so I am staying light and rather focus  on repetition and range of motion. I can  not pump iron as otherwise my blood pressure increases and my bead hurts. Silvia's daughter Nina Elise was at the gym with her.

When it come to bending my legs, I am trying my best  to follow the others.

I have obviously some issues on this  front. The people at the gym are understanding of my current limitations. They have accepted it  and are used to see me there with them. Struggling with them.

At the gym Cassie Marie was taking registration for a free consultation with Matt.
He is  a Personal Trainer at the 24 fitness gym.

I have already been chased down by him earlier last month. It was hard to  make him go away. He called on my cell phone, at the apartment here at the Homes of Hope.

Finally he has understood not to call me anywhere. He was very unpleasant to deal with and  very obstinate and persistent.
I understand that his job is to  recruit his customers as he gets paid by them.

However In my opinion there is also a code of conduct that one should be sticking to in order to have a good reference and a good customer base.

 If anybody were to ask me provide my feedback about Matt,well I would have a quick critical conversation about his approach to conduct his business.

Anyway I called CNS 10 minutes before my class was due to finish and CNS arrived to pick me up at 7pm.

I learned to call transportation 10 minutes ahead of time so that the whole procedure is flowing well.
So I stepped out from my class and called CNS ahead of time.
It worked well.

My wife Simona is doing well, she has been having  many meetings at Harvard University where she has been for the last couple of days. I believe today she should be back in LA. Our kids have been taken care of by our Nanny Marina.  Her family is basically part of our family because we are so much connected to each other.
Our kids are going to school during the day and in the afternoon have their activities at home. They spend the evening at hone and later in the night they have been going to sleep at Marina' s house.

I believe tonight  Simona and the kids will be reunited at last.
Tonight It is grocery shopping list day,
It is the day when I have to provide CNS my grocery list for Shopping next Saturday morning.

It is going to be a very fruitful activity.

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