Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday March 3 2017

Yesterday I wrote a good letter to my mother in Italy. I sent it last night. It is to celebrate women day in five days. It will not be there on time, but it is the thought that matter anyway. I wrote her in Italian my original language. As I am writing more and more in Italian I am recovering it a bit better. Well  as a matter of fact I  am used to write in English. I am enjoying  the fact of being able to write to her in Italian.

We speak Italian with Simona and the kids.

Our kids were both born in US and their primary language is the English one.

Last night Chicco was studying  for school  and Lapo went to his Mindcraft post school activity.

Both Chicco and Lapo are stellar students at school. Right now Chicco 11 years old is devoting the bulk of his time to homework.  Lapo is 7 years old. He is also doing great at school like his brother. The boys have a balanced life, they enjoy many different sport activities in the evening. I am always confused on what sport they will be involved with. I am writing it on my home calendar to track them closely.

For instance yesterday they both had soccer.

Simona was at work at Caltech University.

Because I had too much of a back pain  I stayed put and avoided going to the gym.
I compiled the list for grocery shopping for this Saturday.

I have been given  a  new slow cooker and decided to use it while I was staying at the apartment.
It is the first time I am cooking with  it.

 Next time I will set it and forget it. as it is meant to  be used.  
Hopefully by then my back pain will be improved.

I  have been preparing soy source citrus  for chicken drumstick.

In a container I prepared the following mix:
- one tablespoon of flour all purpose
- a tablespoon of lemon zest
- salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
- two table spoons of soy sauce - low sodium
- a half of table spoon of lemon juice fresh
- 3 garlic cloves minced
- onion in slices.
Here are the directions I used:

1) arrange the orange slices at the bottom of the crock pot in a single layer
2) in a bowl combine the flour, lemon rest, salt and pepper
3) toss the chicken in the flour
4) pour the prepared sauce over the chicken and brush it around the pieces
5) cover the crock pot and cover in low for 4 -5 hours 
6) uncover and gently stir let stand it for 10 minutes

For cooking : soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper, sliced lemon 

This is the chicken already being covered with flour.

The crock pot being ready for firing on low temperature

The crock pot gently cooking

This is the slow cooker yesterday evening still going 
 It is not doing much as it is supposed to stand still and just gently cook the food at low temperature. 
It does not even make any noise as the liquid is very gently boiling in it.

Organic breakfast : Chia, Yogurt, Cereal Milk Blueberry - coffee not included in the picture.

This morning Lupe came to check my supply in the apartment.

She recommended me  to use the wooden tray for holding the lemon fruits  A few day back miss  Jill at the Homes of Hope brought me a large bag of lemon.

She mentioned the lemon tree at her house is being chopped down as it is too closed to the fence.

So here it is I explained the reason why I have so many good lemons.

After rearranging it like it is shown in this picture it all looks good.

In the morning I went for my morning walk near the apartment 

Here is the morning sky

Here is the morning park quiet and relaxing

I asked Melissa and CNS for my back pain.

she is recommending me to do the following: I should avoid any exercise  on the stepper machine and or the elliptical for the time being. They are both aggravating the situation of my sciatic nerve on the right upper side of my leg. She recommended me only walking on the treadmill.

Melissa mentioned that back pain patches are OK. Once I get it I shall bring it to her at AAC for approval. Since this is the procedure for a licensed state facility. I understand it very well.

Simona is coming tomorrow to visit me with the boys.
We are going to eat out, I will not be going to the movie.

Simona mentioned I can offer an ice cream to the kids using part of my outing money.

As we are going to eat out, we will go to Target.
Over there there is a pharmacy section and I will be able to get some over the counter patch pain relief

Today at the homes of hope there was lunch offered for everybody.

I had brought mine and felt I had to eat it as otherwise it was spoiling. Beside at the apartment the crock pot food is waiting me for dinner.

You see over all I have too much  food and I am trying to rationalize the use of it.
Going first for the things that need to be used first.

In the morning I went to AAC and read the newspaper of the day. Over there they were offered lunch and they watching a movie.  It is fine. This is the activity for a Friday.

The matter is that I am independent and I am trying to stay as such.

I am feeling better and better.  I just asked Mr Dr Kilby if he would be so kind to keep me here for a bit longer. I like to come her at the Homes of Hope.

Tonight I am going to the gym and and will talk there

Enjoy the reading

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