Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday March 16 2017

It is a Thursday morning, a mild and cooler day in Bakersfield.

I slept very well and waken up ready for a busy day.
An Organic breakfast for this morning day.

As planned this morning first of all I set the slow cooker.

I coarsely cut an onion and smashed a few garlic cloves.
In the pot I added a couple of Bay leaves as well.

I used the corned beef round flat and its seasoning juice

I  filled  the slow cooker with water and set it  on low for cooking  while I am outside the apartment.

According to the instruction I am  supposed to let it cooking on low for 6 hours.
This is the time I will be out away.
I let miss Mary at the reception know that the slow cooker is going today.

I will be back later in the day to check on the result.

The plan is to take the corn beef out of the slow cooker and while it cools down cook the cabbage and carrot.
While the veggie is going the meat will be cooling off.

I will be ready for carefully cut the meat across the grain at an angle per the picture below

Wish me good luck  in this new endeavor.

I  walked around the park and did my money management in the morning

As expected I received $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

I also have the chance of getting the last newspaper of the day available at the vending machine.

This morning it opened easily.

The park near the apartment for my morning walk.

I am feeling well today. Whenever my head hurts I am applying a cold cloth to it.

Since last time I did it my head has been feeling well. I guess it  constricted the blood flow in my head and  releases the blood pressure inside. In addition I am staying in a cold environment as much as I can.

I can not over heat. My morning shower is a mix of warm and cold water.

I went to the AAC greeted everybody and read the news of the day.

At 11 am I signed out and came here at the Homes of Hope  to work on my program.

I am recording the salient aspects of my day, working on memory and attention to details.

Yesterday evening I  took care of cleaning the microwave with a lemon per the instruction in my memory book. Miss Mary from CNS gave me the tips on cleaning it his way. Then I looked over the internet and found it there as well.

I cut in half a lemon. I squeezed its juice in a glass bowl. Then I  put the lemon and the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute on high.

I waited to let it cool down for 5 minutes.

I wiped out the microwave with the lemon juice.

It all looks good, good trick to use in the future.

Yesterday I distributed the schedule to all the apartment then  the receptionist Anna confirmed I was  booked for the movie of this Saturday at the Maya.

Finally I signed out from the apartment at 6pm and arrived at the gym at 6:30 pm. It was kind of late for me.
I was late for cycle with Cassie but I was on time for body pump with Sylvia. Cassie stayed there for participating to the body pump class.

I was allowed to stay until 7:20pm . I called CNS 10 minutes ahead of the time for me to get pick up and they came to drive me back to the apartment. It works well this way.

The family is well, Simona and the boys are busy. Already active today. The girl scout biscuits are still holding for breakfast.

Simona is going to be very busy the all day. So we talked this morning quickly and then she took off.
As she mentioned she had no time I did not call her today.

I had  a very good lunch. A great salad with nut, Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar, a lot of Basil was completing the salad.

I brought a few pieces of brie cheese and a couple of slices of whole grain bread.

Finally a bit of coffee and oral hygiene.

During my break I called my mother back in Verona Italy.
She mentioned that she will be trying the method for cleaning the microwave with a lemon.

She attended a conference at the Circolo dei lettori. She enjoys staying active that way.

In addition I called my mother-in-law Anna in Rome.  She was surprised to hear about my call.

She mentioned that she has big plans for the boys when she is coming here in California with us.

She mentioned that our eldest son Chicco is ready for starting to learn reading  and writing  Italian.

Chicco is fluent in Italian and English and Spanish.  Right now he knows how to read and write in English only as the boys are going to school in California.

So Anna thinks that the time has come for Chicco to be introduced to the  reading and writing of the Italian language.

She mentioned that Italian reading is not that complicated once you understood how to read the sch-, gn- and gl- sounds.

It is actually more regular and less complex that the English Language.

Anna mentioned that our youngest Lapo is still too young to be exposed to this matter.

My wife Simona told me that she was busy today with meetings and exams.

I  have sent her a text message, it is for her to find the time to read it. Less intrusive than a phone call.

For S. Patrick  day Shamrock is a tradition.. if we were at all in Ireland, Oh well it does not matter

Enjoy the reading. Grocery Shopping list today.
Shopping this Saturday morning.

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