Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday March 14 2017

Today is Tuesday March the 14th and it is also known as Pi day. It comes from the mathematical  symbol and letter Pi. It corresponds to the ratio of the circle perimeter to its diameter. This constant is 3.14159. It is approximated with 3.14.

You ought  to appreciate numbers to see the connection between the calendar and the Pi number.

This morning I had a good  healthy breakfast.
A lot of fiber and easy carbs for the morning such as Oatmeal and cereal.

I had strawberry and blueberry with my cereal and milk.

I am keeeping the strawberry on the kitchen counter while the blueberries are in the fridge.

I also had a  yogurt with Chia seeds.

A couple of cups of coffee and frothed milk.

I took the van and went to AAC.

I did not have the chance of getting the newspaper from the apartment as the kiosk machine was sold out and therefore out of papers.

Anyway at AAC I borrowed the   newspaper.  I had the chance of reading it  before coming to Home of Hopes.

At AAC I quickly chatted with my Case Manager about a concern I had from last week. She noted this matter.

Today Homes of Hope had organized a conference for foster parents.

Lunch was offered by the Homes of Hope and therefore by Mr Dr Kilby who is the CEO here.

Miss Latwana had been cooking for everybody. She is a very skillful person.

The house was really crowed and everybody had a good time.

Here is the really good lunch I was part of  today.
White rice, chicken tight,  pulled pork, a potato and a piece of white bread.

As a side an Oatmeal cookie.

This is all food I am normally not eating by  myself. Once in a while I enjoy having a byte.

When finished I had been helping around the guests by taking care of their dishes. Nobody forced me but it is a good thing to do for our guests.

I will be keeping my own lunch for  dinner later tonight.

Last night I had a good night of sleep.

My mother wished me Buon Appetito all the way from Italy when  she saw the picture of my lunch above.

Yesterday evening at the apartment  I had a quick dinner. I took care of cleaning my apartment.
Finally I signed out at 5:20pm on my way to the gym. I took my Yoga mat with me and walked to the gym.
It is getting hot in Bakersfield. I cautiously dared to leave at the apartment the heavy gear.

I can not overheat myself, so normally I stay in a cool environment.
I had Yoga with Lilli, good practice of breathing and stretching.

Lilli greeted my by say Hi Giuseppe.

Afterward I had static cycle with Misty. She is the smiling person at my right hand side on the picture below.

Apparently everybody that works at the gym knows me well, and they allow me to take their pictures.

She is Misty always ready to push the class in going further.  I must have collected several picture of her at the gym at least once per day I see her.

Anyway I enjoyed my sport activity based on modulating the static bike resistance.

I guess soon or later I would need a hair cut.

At the gym there were the people of the community I always meet.
Maria, Damian, Jim, Georgia and so forth.
I greeted Keithlan, She is Britney's sister I have assumed so. They both look alike.

Yesterday I also greeted Sylvia's daughter. Her name is Nina Elise.

I recognized her at the gym. Last Saturday I met  Sylvia while at Trader Joe's.

It was a causal  and fast greeting.

From the gym I called at 7pm to get back to the apartment. I started walking back and then called CNS to let them know about my location. I was at the crossing of Gosford and White lane.

They told me that Cassandra the sup was waiting for me outsidethe gym. So I  made a point to let the receptionist know about my location and waited for Cassandra to pick me up. I signed back in at 7:20pm

A final relaxing shower.
A fast snack with a banana and peanut butter.
At 9pm my Ambient sleeping pill.

Anyway, our kids are fine. This morning they were ready for school- I believe I talked to them this morning and Simona my wife called me later to say they are all doing fine and ready for school.

At time I tend to forget I had already talked to them for the day, so like today I had to check my phone to confirm it.

I got a print out of the slow cooker recipe for S. Patrick's day.

I purchased the corned beef with a packet of seasoning and the cabbage.

I intend it to cook it for this incoming Friday S. Patrick's  day.

I have been told it stinks but it is tastes good.

I guess the cabbage is what makes it very stinky.

Here is the link to the recipe.

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