Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday March 13 2017

I had a very busy weekend as always.

Last Friday March 10  I went by myself to the 24 fitness gym for my Zumba class.

In the group of people: Carol with a read hut, Sira with a yellow shirt, Salve with a sleeveless work out T shirt, next to me Arjit in pink.

After each class we spent a few minutes taking pictures

Caroline - the teacher- has to approve each picture. In case she does not like it, it gets cancelled.

This is the agreement with her.

One or two pictures are  texted to me by Salve or Sira.
They all have my phone number.

On Saturday March 11 morning I took care of washing all my personal clothes, changing the bed and washing my bathrobe.
I cleaned the bathroom and washed it carefully.  I run the carpet cleaner on the carpet for all the apartment. I also used the broom to take care of the little corners in the kitchen.

I took care of cleaning the dust from all surfaces.

At 11 am  it was time for me to go to Trader Joe's.

I signed out and walked by myself. Toward Stockdale Hwy.

Jamie was happy to see me shopping over there.

I  brought her a flower that I had found already picked up at the apartment.

Rather than let it go wasted I took it to her.

She gladly accepted it and let me shop 
I spent a cool $155.77 on  Organic grocery.

This time I purchased corn beef and cabbage to be made on the slow cooker for S. Patrick day. 
It is  this Friday march the 17th.
Funny pictures afterward,  she greeted me and told me see you next Saturday Joseph.

Leaving the store I greeted Sylvia. She is body pump instructor at the 24 fitness gym.

I came back with the CNS van.

I stored away all my grocery, applied stickers with my initials and the date of purchase.

For lunch  I cooked the Italian gnocchi that my wonderful Case Manager had brought me.
This is a classic Italian potatoes dumpling.

I prepared it with freshly purchased Basil leaves, Olive Oil, Parmesan Cheese and crumbled walnut.

I took my inspiration from a home prepared pesto sauce.

I the afternoon I went to see the movie Logan at the Maya movie theater.

It is the latest installment of the X-men saga story by Marvel Comics.

It is is a closing of the chapter for this matter.

The creator will have to figure out a different plot to get going.

In this case the Adamantium rules the story.
Tea and dibs was included in the outing money.

On Sunday March 12 morning we woke up with the clock in Spring forward mode. I did not accused lightly the change of schedule. My mother in Italy told me that over there the clock is still regular. That is right now there are 8 hours of difference with Italy. They will be able to catch up later during the month. Until March 26 the clock difference will be 8 hours. Afterward it will return to be 9 hours.

I slept well and took care of things that are important.

On Sunday morning March 12 I made a conscious effort of waking up the same time- keeping up with my circadian rhythm.

I went to S. Philips church 

It was the second Sunday of Lent.
The gospel was about the transfiguration of Jesus Christ.

The Lord spoke these words" This is My Beloved Son to Whom I am very pleased"

Here is a nice flower composition. I found it interesting so I took a picture.

The church attendance was low due to the change of schedule.
I balanced my outing money with my church donation.It was $5.75

Thye were gladly accepting my donation telling me that every little cents make a difference.

At church it was reminded that during Lent Christian are called for  Compassion.

I came back at the apartment and afterward had a quick and healthy lunch.

I signed out at 2pm and went to the gym.

I found the gym closed. It was a surprised for me. Anyway I enjoyed my walk and came back to sign back at the apartment at 3pm.

I  took the time for  cooking a healthy minestrone vegetable soup.

I made a light soffritto with cut onions, Organic carrot, celery  and a couple of smashed garlic cloves.

I diced a couple of Russel potatoes for the soup.

I carefully adjusted the salt by using Pyramid Salt.  I added a vegetable bouillon cube that Simona had sent me

I added White Organic Quinoa and a bay leaf

I also added some mixed Organic Rice

It all cooked gently 

I  took the time to write a letter to my family.

I like  writing  them on a regular basis.
Right now our eldest Chicco (11) reads my letter.

Our youngest Lapo (7) has not find the interest yet. He is too little.

Lapo will have time and a lot of reading material when he feels ready.

Today Simona is attending a meeting at the Script Institute in S. Diego.
Over there she will meet with Ian a post doc of Tapio's group  a former professor of Caltech.

The boys are staying with Marina, for the night and are at home during the day.

Over the weekend I had to have Tylenol a couple of time.

Enjoy the reading.
Time to leave

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