Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday march 15 2017

Today's in history.
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 49 B. C. by  a group of conspirators among them his adopted son Brutus.

When Caesar realized his adopted son was among the perpetrators, he told the famous sentence:

 "Tu quoque Brute fili mi" which translates into " you are here as well my son Bruto"

The vocative declination of the name Brutus is Brute.

My morning walk at the park feeling a very hot day. Walking better and better pushing from the heels of my feet and bending my legs. Easier said than actually done. But such it is anyway.

The boys are fine and busy with school. Later today they are busy. Our youngest Lapo is will be going to his class. He has a new post school activity as MindCraft is over. Our eldest Chicco will be working on his homework for school. He is a stellar student and right now very busy with his homework.

In the morning I completed the first part of the money management. On Wednesday it is my receipt day.

Tomorrow - Thursday - I will receive my weekly allowance corresponding to $75 for grocery and $24 for outing. The grocery shopping is the biggest of my bills, as I normally shop very healthy and Organic food. The outing money is always balanced very well, as whatever I do not spent I leave it as offering at the S.Philips Catholic church on Stockdale Hwy.

This is a picture that my mother sent me from Verona, Italy. It represents a Magnolia tree that has blossomed.
It is located near the house of my brother Francesco in Verona.

This picture  comes all the way from Verona, Italy. it was taken  using her smart phone,

My good, light  and Organic breakfast
Oatmeal, cereal with mixed fruit medley. 
A yogurt with Chia Seeds.
A bit of coffee on the side.

Yesterday I went to the gym by myself
 I had a quick dinner before leaving.
A cold soup, a healthy salad and an egg with light mayonnaise.

A cold soup is suitable for this hot season.

Normally there is Personal Shopping on Tuesday so other patients go to Walmart.

I learned to take care of my needs otherwise. I am going to Walmart once in a wile.  I went to the gym. On my way to the gym I picked up some cotton swab at Albertson Supermarket as I was low.  I then proceeded to the gym. 

Once I met Ray who used to work at CNS, another time I met Caroline who is working both at CNS and at the 24 fitness gym.

You see it looks to me that whenever I am in the community  I cross path with  people that I know.

Anyway,   I had body pump with Ellie and later Zumba with Mike.
I enjoyed very much the environment and the sport activity. At the gym I am building up endurance and flexibility. I am  not there to bulk up my body. Fitness and personal enjoyment is my goal.
Beside whenever I tried to push to hard both my head and my body have refused to follow.
I need to take it easy controlling my breathing, my emotion and my blood pressure.

For the time being it is like this 

I called CNS 10 minutes before my scheduled time to leave. It worked well, one of the Sups miss Chanel came to pick me up and to drive me  back to the apartment. Over there I had my shower, my snack - always hungry afterward- and got my meds.

Yesterday I talked to the  boys at home.
Lapo was working on his English spelling.

I asked him whether it was difficult or not for him to do it. 

He answered  me "No non e' ". This is a perfect translation word by word from English into Italian.
It means " No it is not"

Simona mentioned that both the  boys are using it on a regular basis. They speak very well in Italian and  they also have a very perfect mastering in English. They both speak in Spanish with Marina our Nanny.
The boys are very smart and very kind to each others. We care about them a lot.At home they are  looking after each other, they are used to have each other around. At time they get overwhelmed by all the activities they have.

In this instances Simona is calling them to a more conducive schedule.
She is working hard with the boys to fill their days with many activities meanwhile she is ensuring that she has time for herself at Caltech by working a any time she has.

She likes to work at night when the boys are sleeping or very early in the morning when the boys have to still  wake up.
She is doing all of it because she has to.

Today Miss Mary gave me the following tip to clean the microwave

1) cut one lemon in half
2) squeeze it in a bowl and let the lemon sit in it
3) put the bowl in the microwave and run the microwave for 1 minute
4)  wipe the inside of the microwave with the lemon juice
5) repeat the process if necessary 

Here it is a link to the same procedure.

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