Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday January 22 Friday

Happy birthday Simona and Marta, It is your day to be what you would like to be

Today  I had a good granola with yogurt. I did not feel opening a new container of milk.

I am definitely doing it tomorrow.

In my mind Simona is a contender for the Oscar.

She is a resilient and strong person.

Yesterday our youngest son Lapo lost another front tooth.

The tooth fairy was duly activated.

 She got him $10. This  is a standard set by my mother in law Anna.

Our little son perfectly knows who to ask for  the tooth fairy...

Yesterday evening I stayed back at the apartment rather than going to the gym.

I carefully prepared my grocery list. 

As I stayed back I  did a lot of activities.

I wrote a letter to my family. This is good for my eye-hand coordination and for my fine motor skills.

The letter was written in English and block letter as it is customary for the boys.

Our sons read English and thus far block letter is fine. 

At home we speak Italian as well. The boys do speak English for their life in the community.

As I  made time for my family  I spent the day at the apartment with the above activity.

Among it I have been  cooking.

I made vegetable soup and baked a sweet potato. 
I diced the onion, celery, carrot and potatoes.  Added lentils and white beans. I cooked with water and bouillon broth cube.

Finally I added Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

Additionally  I  cooked on  a separate pan some Basmati rice.

 I used a different pan to cook it so to keep it separate from the main soup.

It is a way to avoid for the rice to absorb all the soup liquid.

I spent my time cooking and writing both activities I enjoy very much.

Lupita came to check on me and snapped the following picture of me with my white apron.

After dinner I cleaned everything by hand and let it dry in the dishwasher.

My mom sent me back a modified picture of the drawing I had prepared for Simona

The drawing below is in its original format except for the S. Valentino 2016 writing.

The one below has been modified by my mom Marta.

She did a a good job. I like it very much. The heart is blending with the flowers.

Yesterday Chicco and Lapo had a belt test at Taekwondo. They passed it and  got the next belt.

Chicco has one more stripe on his black belt.

Lapo 's belt is called Bandon
The boys are clearly advancing on their capabilities in life.

Time to wash my hand.
I am eating at AAC today. 
I had a good sandwich with ham, cheese, salad, tomatoes slices and a bit of mayonnaise.
A drink and a bag of Doritos completed my lunch. It is a Friday and we all enjoy the Friday day.

As a result of eating here I am bringing back my lunch pal full. Dinner is already ready for today.

I feel I need some updated reading glasses. 

The far sighted one are doing a good job. 

Today I sent an email to my Case Manager Jolanta, my IPC Jesus, to Simona and Amanda in order to activate the procedure for new reading glasses.

I washed my reading glasses, cleaned all the accumulated spots and dusts.
 I can see better trough the lenses.

Both Simona and Jolanta agreed with me looking into getting a new frame and lenses.
I guess Jesus needs to be on board as well, he is the Programming Coordinator of many other patients. I am part of his team as well.

Regarding the glasses Simona mentioned it will be the latest pair of a long string of glasses I got throughout the years.

Believe me I would like to be able to go without my glasses. Yet I can't see without them.

Simona surrender and relinquished: do what you want I do not care. 

Her brother was calling her from Europe for her birthday.


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