Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday January 13 2016

Yesterday I went back to the apartment and start cooking. I enjoy very much staying  busy.

I prepared staffed peppers. 
Here is the  recipe I am following: 

Filling: Turkey ground meat, bread crumble, parsley, seasoning (Careful with the salt) a couple of eggs.

- Cut in half two peppers, clean it and get ready for the filling.

- Mix  everything together with a wooden spoon and at the end use your hands.

- Preheat a cooking pan in the oven with coconut oil.

- Stuff the pepper halves carefully making sure there is not too much filling at the top.

Once the peppers are ready to cook you can start working on the meatball.

 I used the filling,  rolled it over bread crumbs and made five meatballs.

Both Simona and my mom mentioned I can use the meatball in the red sauce for the Pasta. 

I normally do not eat any pasta at all. Next time I will consider preparing it this way.It is a first for me to use it  this way.

In the evening the kids were at home in La Canada doing homework. 

I called them a greeted them a good day. Marina our Nanny was taking care of them while Simona was at Caltech working. Our family has all the helps it needs: Simona is the bread winner of the family, Chicco and Lapo are our wonderful kids, Marina is our trusted Nanny, I am the significant other working hard to get better... Every body does its part at its best, as Simona mentioned many time. For the time being it is this way. 

We got use to it anyway: it has already  been 4 years since I have been at CNS. Anyway

After dinner I went to the gym. I had Body pump with Ellie (she is the smiling person at my right hand side). It is good for me to work over there.

She patiently snapped a picture with me.
I am working hard toward bending more and more my legs.. . Each time trying hard to  bend my legs and to keep my balance at the same time. Easier said than done, yet each and every time I am doing something more and better.

It is a process of patience and endurance. I sense it is hard for me .. but I am trying to do my best with each and every step I am taking.

Afterward I had Zumba with Mike. A nice  way to move my  body at the sound of music. 

It is a good way to improve my  rhythmic  sense additionally it is a funny way to do sport.
During the week I am taking classes at the gym. 

At the gym I was greeted by Drew.

 He mentioned that he knows Miss Priceless and he would say hi to her on my behalf.

Kyle shuttled me back and forth from the 24fitness gym.

 I honestly look forward everyday to go at the gym at 5:45pm.  

I am working hard to  improve my physical ability and endurance.

Kyle  patiently waited for me outside the gym when at 7pm it was time for me to go back and leave.

Thank yo Kyle for being there. I came back to the apartment got a shower an evening banana full of potassium for refueling my muscle. Got my nigh meds and went to sleep. The ambient I am taking is working its magic. I am having wonderful night, sleep tight and wake up everyday at 6am, to get ready to come to Mt Vernon Clinic.

This morning at the reception I purchased a pen for my family. I am getting ready for S.Valentine day next month.  It is a special heart shaped pen.

As usual I took a stroll in the park. This morning it was  drizzly. The rain is very gentle and very smooth. It is a start. We clearly need much more.

The picture is a Panoramic one. It is a great picture so you will have to scroll the bar at the bottom of the window to get a full view of the park. I managed to avoid any parked car so that there are no issues related with Number plates.

Simona and the boys are doing great. 
I called home at 7:15am to greet the boys a good day. They were getting ready to go to school.

This morning I had a first.
Last time Simona gave me a "cuccuma" for making a true Italian Coffee.

I enjoyed it very much

The coffee is from Rome, true S.Eustacchio powder.

It was gave me to me by Bob his wife Raffaeella and Raffella's sister Mariagrazia who  recently visited US.
 She is now back in Rome.

I had a healthy breakfast. Granola, milk, yogurt and coffee.

I had my first part of the Money Management done today.
It is my day for receipt. I  returned all the receipt at the the reception of CNS.
Miss Mary noticed I had some money left in my envelope so she returned it to me.

I had a good lunch. Broccoli flowers, chicken, red grapes.

While on break I called my mom  in Italy.
I managed to reach her at our  home in Italy.
It has been a while since I was able to call her on the fix line.

I normally find her on her cell phone. Today the line was to bad that I tried and succeeded to use the fix line instead. 
I am grateful the Skype app on my iPhone works again.

My mom is doing fine. Today she was pointing  her back being a bit soar.

I understand when one's body does not work the way one want. 
It is a pain to go throw it.
Yet my body is recovering and rebuilding by itself. 
It keeps working better and better each and everyday.

Looking forward to go to the gym ? 

Sure today it is the day we are going to be given the new schedule.

 At 5pm time to book for the movie.
Finally as usual I am going to the gym: cycle, body pump and much more.

As much as possible.

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