Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday January 10

On Saturday January 9  I wrote a letter to my family and send it to them.

In the morning I took care of cleaning the apartment and my own clothes.

On Saturday morning I collected a cash rec from Jesus my IPC. His help and patience is always appreciated. I had run out of petty cash so he gave me $40 as reserve.

On Saturday  evening I went to the local Maya theater. I went to see the Revenant with Leonardo DiCaprio.
It is a great movie about strengh ,determination and endurance. Ireally enjoyed watching it.

Finally Morgana is back. Her school finals are over. She gladly allowed to snapped a picture.

I had dibs and lemon tea as I am not drinking soft drink any longer.
I simply stopped.

On Sunday morning I went to S. Philips the Apostle church and enjoyed my Sunday mass.

It was the last day they had the nativity scene and Xmas tree on display

As offer I gave $5.75 the whole outing money I had left.

At church Cassey approached me and introduced her grand mother.

It is a very nice gesture from her side, I  appreciated it very much.

I  let CNS doing the recycle for me as I had accumulated enough items.
The recycle time  is colliding with my church time. it was mt first time I  let CNS doing the recycle for me.

After church I went to the gym  I did twice the stepper for a total of 3.65 miles in 40 minutes
The setting is at Level 7.  I enjoyed my time at the stepper and did my very best. At the gym I received the greeting from Miss Priceless. She is always so  kind with me I appreciated it very much.

While at the gym I greeted Leon who was working out with his wife. They are always coming to the gym together.
Very nice people indeed.

As I was at the gym by myself I took the time to update my weight. It is 181.6 lb. Last time I took it  did not make sense (187lb)  with the chart I am building of my weight progress. So it must have been a wrong reading.

Alex came to pick me up from the gym
As such I prepared Chicken Alex's style: first seared on the stove then baked in the oven.

I cooked as well Zucchini squash. Split in two halves and baked in the oven with a light covering of bread crumble.

I really enjoy cooking. Each time I am trying new combinations or new ideas I have on how to cook my food.

Nicole came to check my activities, she snapped a picture of me and left afterward.

Finally it was time for me to eat.

Bread, Zucchini squash, chicken tender and a glass of sparkling water from the soda stream machine Simona gave me some time ago. Sparkling water is the perfect drink for the person who wants to stay fit.

I have washed everything by hand, went outside to trough the trash.
I got my evening meds, I am working a bit more while I am awaiting for my Ambient medication 

Enjoy the reading

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