Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday January 14

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment.

I felt it was time to write to my mother in Italy.

I wrote a letter to her in Italian and mailed afterward.

She is going to receive it in about a week time. 
I planned it  write on time and to send it well  before her upcoming  birthday. 

The new schedule was also released yesterday.
I booked for the movie outing for  this Saturday evening.

Then  had a quick dinner.

 A rich and healthy salad and a couple of meatball.

Finally it was time for me to go to the gym. The place I really feel happy and at home.

It was my day of cycle with Cassie at my left had side.

I set my cycle to fully extend my legs. It is all well.
At the gym I greeted Michelle, her husband Pete who is doing better and better.
Damian and the usual familiar people of the community.

Afterward it was time to do body pump with Silvia. 
I used the black gloves that Larry and his wife  Janice gave  me as present for my last birthday.

I focused on precision of movement and repetition, rather than adding up too heavy weights.

My body is not meant to be loaded too much. 
Beside I do not want to strain my back once more.

I already did it once, and it is not a very pleasant feeling.

At 7pm I was ready to leave and Lisa came to pick me up to bring me back home to the apartment.

This morning I wake up early at 6am as usual after a good night of sleep.
Got a good shower, my meds and   a healthy breakfast  

The kids were up and running. I completed my money management today.

Got the newspapers 
I got down in the park to take a stroll over there.
It is a nice and pleasant day outside a bit chilly..

As today I am busy going  to the house of Hope to meet with John K I dressed business causal.

Enjoy the reading. I am leaving at  12:30 pm

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