Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday January 7

Yesterday I realized I received a new microwaves at the apartment. A brand new appliance for me.

I appreciate the gesture. It is a new year present.

It was time to get the new schedule out at all the apartment so I did it graciously.

I made time for cleaning the whole apartment. Washing the counter top of the kitchen, The kitchen  floor was first mopped and then washed.
I like to keep the apartment as clean as possible.

I also  cooked dinner: a healthy vegetable broth. Chopping  all the vegetables in small pieces. 

It is Kalos Kai Agathos as Simona stressed to me it is Agathos rather than Akathos -yes my mistake mon amour.
In my mind it translates to : It is good because it looks good.

While the vegetable soup was cooking I have been writing to my boys.

During the latest time I  accumulated several letters.

Simona mentioned I am better sending them at home in La Canada rather than waiting for the family to be at the apartment the next time around. So this morning while at the reception  for my money management I purchased stamps to send my letters home.

The boys had piano lesson with Liz, Once done Marina our Nanny stayed until 8pm when Simona came back at home from Caltech.

My evening  was spent doing all the activities above ..

This morning It is a cold day .
The weather is finally turning to  wet winter. This is the action of the El Nino phenomenon bringing the much needed precipitation and snow to California. 
After four years of extreme drought it will take a very wet winter to catch up until the water level is recovered. We certainly hope for the best.

The E Nino is also bringing much flooding and much confusion to the local circulation. Many streets have suffered and the circulation is difficult in some parts of California.

 I had my the second part of the money management completed: $75 for Grocery and $24 for outing.

Last week I did not spend anything on outing as I was home.  Additionally for  the grocery shopping I was very light as I went to Winco and spent $51.33 

At the office I purchased pins for the boys and for some of the therapist's family member  here at the AAC.

I  noticed the plant in my balcony  has a first flower. It is violet in colour.

I put it in the soil a variety of flowers. I hope this is the first of a long production.

At the AAC today I read the whole newspapers: it was a very interesting issue so I went trough the whole papers. Also as the audience was kind with me I read the horoscope as well. 

It is a two way street:
 you give to receive in return something
 Kindness for kindness.
Patience for Patience. 
A very decent and compassionate approach to life.

I understand it.
At lunch I have had a lentil soup that  I made last night. Finally a couple of bread slices and grapes.

Eating healthy and balanced.

Before lunch I took part to an art activity. For the boys I painted these flower pots.
I used to make a lot of ceramic work here at AAC.

I hope I am going to make it more and more in the near future.
I like this activity

my Case Manager mentioned that tomorrow we will go for an ID to the DMV office,

I was ready today yet she recommended to be ready to go tomorrow.

I gave her the form she provided me the other day.

Today we called Simona to make sure she was OK with it.
It is all good.


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