Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday January 29

30 years ago the nation watched incredulous the shuttle orbiter blowing up during lift off.

A somber reminder that at time there are set backs on any development.

Accepting this matter as a fact of life is the way approach to take.

Today I had  a great day, I slept really well and waken up by myself at 6am.

I am sleeping 8 to 9 hours each night. It is all good.

I had a good breakfast light and fulfilling.

Simona took the boys to school. When I called this morning Lapo was still sleeping while Chicco was already awaken.

Last night Simona slept well, she did not have to maintain any odd sleeping schedule.

This morning' s view of the park is really a refreshing.

Today the newspaper was on the top of the newsstand.  it was free.

 I gave back the money at the reception.
What is right is right. I feel it is all well. As miss Amanda just commented to me "Honesty is always a good policy in life"

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym
It was the day for making a grocery shopping list for next Saturday. So I took the opportunity of working on it with precision. I took the chance of cleaning the fridge to make sure I had disposed the old food.

I took the chance of cooking and writing to my family.
I prepared staffed peppers.

Also staffed Portobella Mushroom

While the food was cooking I wrote to my family

After cooking I cleaned the whole apartment.

Sink, floor and everything.

 As I cleaned everything I was ready to get the trash out and to take my evening shower.

It is all well.

Enjoy the reading

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