Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday January 18 2016

Spanish music at 5:45am  really dear CNS...

I was awaken a the sound of the Spanish comes from Francisco C.

We are back to square one...revolving situation it is called.

It looks like you are not even capable of fulfilling your own obligation dear CNS.

Shall you give me more medications dear CNS?

11 pills in the morning are quite enough don't you agree dear CNS?

The result...

Let' step back.

First of all a complaint form to CNS. To  invite you handling effectively  the situation.. my under eyes are telling it all.

By the way I am waiting for the result of you investigation dear CNS..
In my view it should be a written report. Let's see if you have the same one.

Next .. two full Cuccuma with coffee...  enough to get my brain working  on track..

Just to feel better,, isn't it dear everybody? The doctor will thank you all..

Let's review the happening of the past days  as I am a brain damage person that  needs to recall things using images...

Last  Sunday I have been cooking chicken broth..

While the broth was cooking I wrote a letter to my boys.

The boys got a hair cut. They look more and more alike.
Same smile and same shape of the face.

Our elder is Chicco and he is 10.

Our younger is Lapo and he is 6.5

They are good boys.

Last Sunday I went to the gym: the environment I call truly home.. other that the other places here around.

At the gym I  worked on the stepper and achieved 4 miles in 45 minutes time.

Great working out in the real  environment.

I met Leon and his wife.

Last Sunday my weight was  180 lb

I sent it to Melissa my nurse of course.

I added it  to the chart of my iPhone as well. I keep track of it by myself.

You see staying independent requires wiliness to stay so. So do not bag me please.

Before the gym  I went to church it is the S. Philip the Apostle church.

I  did not like it very much.

The reverent is old style... the same old topics and arguments. 

He is so predictable and so repetitive in his choices. 

He should make an effort to dust off the accumulated old topics and to bring a new views to his sermon. 

 Of course $5.75 was given in charity to church.. as it has been for the past several months...

The activity of Saturday.

I did the usual washing and cleaning.

I went to do grocery shopping at Trader  Joe's.

At the store I got everything on my list and the usual smiling faces. Andy  at my back and Kenvas.

In thee weeks Tracy will be moving to Huston Texas. I am better keep going there as much as possible.

I spent $92.44. I did  the usual routine:  reusable bags, stickers and ticket for the raffle.

I Formally went to the movie. CNS was late.. Did not enjoy at all it. I do not know what movie I saw: a bad one, poor taste.. I wasted my  money  that is all.

I went Formally because I was not provided with a service that was to my satisfaction I felt frustrated.

The movie I wanted to see was already started.. next time it will be a temptation to do a different task..
Of course I met Morgana

And another person she is a new face...

On Saturday I made a drawing for my wife.
Independently drawing  on my own.. it is called Initiation in the local lingo.

Art of drawing..

On Friday I went to the gym Zumba: Caroline in black at my right, Rachel with Red hair.

Lee  with a white towel behind me. Everything is well the usual routine.

Enjoy the reading.

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