Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19 Tuesday post lunch.

I did not enjoy today's activities at AAC. It would have been better staying back to catch on my sleep that has recently been so disrupted..

I have a computer at the apartment and I can do my activities over there.

Amanda is always kind with me, she is always telling me what has been done is in the past stays in the past. Easier said than done.

I agree but my past is getting really heavy... my sleep is getting disrupted by all sort of accidents.

As I am the one who is at the receiving end of the stick, with my sleeping hygiene  being disrupted for one reason or another..

I am tired and sleepless for no reason other than CNS deciding to do so.

The latest incident of the inter phone is the last example of issue at the CNS apartment..

An interphone is a simple circuit. It has a speakers. there are a couple of power supplies, a few bypolar transistor (BJT) a bunch of diodes and capacitors..

When I talked this morning with Steve K. he did not care or did not want to take responsibility of the matter..Apparently he does not care enough.  Too low or little matter for his position. Clearly I am not important for him.

I understand the ones who do not care are showing their  lack of interest and lack of wiliness to take charge of a certain matter.

It will be handled appropriately in a different way.

For lunch.. I had a quick byte standing... eating standing as I  like doing. Not relevant what I had.

Enjoy the reading.. and your day. My day is getting better and better...

By the way, my former boss Lester Kozlowski mentioned he can not help me in anyway from his side. I was asking him to add me back on his web page to further explain what I used to do..

Apparently it is not doable right now, or so he said.

After all he is the boss  and he is showing it big time.  Thank you...

Perhaps one of these days he will understand  what it means to be deprived of everything.

He  will understand but  by then it might  be too late to change..


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