Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday January 28 2016

Today is a really good day to be around at work.

I slept really well and waken up really rested.

I had a great breakfast. Cleaned everything by hand and left on my way to AAC.

I had the chance of use the broom at the apartment as the floor needed it. This afternoon I am going to wash the floor and vacuum the carpet.

Simona and the kids are well. I talked to her this morning while she  was driving our kids to school.

My mom emailed me this picture of the 12 Apostoli Restaurant in Verona.

It is an upscale Restaurant where they serve food in a style that makes it a unique and special place.

The restaurant was crowded by mostly tourist people.

My mom went there as she was invited by my brother Francesco.  

She normally eat at home  or in less fancy places.

 She went to the same restaurant many many years ago invited by my dad. 

We are talking at least 40 years ago. 

You see in Italy there are a lot of places that stay in business for a very long time. 

They become part of the fabric of a city.

Today is a cold day outside.

I completed my second part of the money management: $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

My wife is the best part of my life. She is strong, she is determined, she is tough.

I am sure she knows it all. I am repeating it for myself and for you all.

Yesterday afternoon  I came back at the apartment. I distributed the new schedule and at 5pm  I booked for the movie this upcoming Saturday. 

On Saturday I normally go out in the environment to catch a relaxing movie. 

 I like movies I can tell about my family. I have a tea and a dibs. No more sodas for me. I lost the craving for such a drinks.

I prepared myself a good dinner. A sandwich, a good salad with the last marinated eggplant I made. A side of grapes.

after dinner I went to the gym

I had cycle with Cassie at my right hand side. I made sure my legs were fully extended as it is part of my therapy goal. She is the smiling person at my left hand side. At the gym they know me very well.
Everybody is nice with me and comply with me in snapping a picture for my therapy session the next day.

Afterward I  had body pump with  Sylvia. 

I used the gloves that Larry and Janice gave me as a present last June.

During body pump I focused on repetition, range of motion and precision of movement.

I did not charge my body too much. 

My back is getting better. 

I strained it a  while ago and right now I am determined to protect it. 

Afterward In fact I was smiling and feeling well.

Remember to smile, it looks good.

Marianne took me at the gym and back.
It is good to stay in the environment.

Staying healthy mon amour, it is all protecting you and the boys. For anything else I have CNS that takes care of me and of everybody.

I had a very good and light lunch at the counter. I brought a simple sandwich as I was schedule to go in the community.  I have been told it is going to be for another time.

I enjoyed my sandwich. kiwi and grapes.
It is all good.

At the reception I asked Norma for a coffee with no sugar... she looked at me in bewilderment. 

She confirmed they run out just this morning.. I asked Amanda, she mentioned I should try with a skin no whip venti next time.

Today the plan for the day is to do an accurate grocery list in the afternoon. I would like to clean the fridge from the old food and then make a list as accurate as possible.

I am planning to spend the evening cooking something good.

I have a lot of good healthy food that needs to be cooked today.

While I am working on this activity as usual I am planning to write to my family.

We will see how it goes this evening.



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