Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday January 11

I have been working all the weekend at the apartment. You can check my activities of the weekend in my blog.

At the apartment I have been given by Simona a Google Chrome laptop I am using  for working.

Simona had an early meeting at Caltech so she had no time to have her morning mocha.

Nevertheless she   took the boys to Elementary School.  Chicco is in V grade, while Lapo is in I grade. Public School in La Canada.

I had my healthy breakfast. Today I cooked a warm Oatmeal, with some healthy grain and hot milk.

A cup of coffee following dr. Edward's recommendation.

He is right. I can sleep far better with the Ambient and all the other meds I am taking. My head is getting better. Over the weekend it all worked out as planned.

I and drinking a  lot of water and staying  hydrated as much as possible.

As a general rule I do not drink nor buy  any soft drink at all.

Today I have been given several receipts. I believe Simona is interested in the one regarding my eyeglass. I  am going to sent it to her with the next letter I am writing to my family.

Today it is a  cold day. Close to 60F.  It feels cold and ready for some rain. When it rains it is not as cold.
The park was peaceful and surrounded by the fog of the early morning.
I snapped a panoramic picture per my habit.

I helped around at my best. I  thrown the trash  that Doug and CNS makes me find in the usual place. This helps me walking up and down the stairs with a light weight. Part of my Rehabilitation process.

I greeted all the maintenance crew. They are always very polite and cheerful with me.
It is a  real pleasure meeting them in the morning.

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