Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday January 5 2016

Let's be added to the act I have again asked CNS for a formal copy of my rehabilitation document.

I would like to have a Power Point Presentation and a conversation on it. I am the subject of the conversation and Simona my wife is busy elsewhere. Hence let's start among the ones that can be present at the table for a meeting.

At my time I used to come to an agreement with my customers on their requests.

I used to take as very important my customers requests and I was trying to do my best in fulfilling their expectations and feedback. It was my job as VP of Business Development at AltaSens.

This aspect is  called "customer service" also knows as Kaizen ( Japanese business term).

This is the ideogram that corresponds to the Japanese word for Kaizen.

Obviously CNS knows all about this matter.

Let's be added to the act that I have asked once more for an appropriate documentation on Tuesday January 5 2015 to the Director of AAC, miss Amanda K,

The weather  is a fine today, it  rains and it is wet.

It is the effect of a series of winter storms that is finally coming to California.

These are wet roses

The park is wet as well. Here is a Panoramic picture of what it looks like with the rain.

The boys went to school with Simona.
This afternoon they do not have any activity at home in La Canada.

This morning  I had my  personal breakfast, then went outside to grab the newspaper, to throw the trash as usual (Yes this is part of the acceptance therapy). Walking on the wet stair with no hand rail as I was carry the trash bags. Great physical exercise every day... and yes great job.

Thanks to the pleasant drive on the bus I already had  a bunch of medication for my headache.
Because when I have a rough morning my shunt hurts.

So far  I managed to scoop eleven pills in the morning, I have five pills in the evening and six pills for the night.

The bus was pretty full and there was hardly any space on it. Perhaps I can take a taxi or my own  car next time... The morning trip is going to be far better and a more pleasant one.

Activity of my evening yesterday: I cooked  at the apartment staffed Portobella mushroom.

Obviously as you know I am enjoying cooking very much.
I  made the staffing with bread crumble, spices and parsley. Whatever I had available at the apartment. I  moist  it with water and Olive Oil.

I normally cook by myself awhile lessening to NPR radio.
I never  watch TV, I keep myself busy with other activities.

How was my day yesterday?   I spent my evening  going to WinCo for grocery shopping.

The job was very simple.  It consisted in completing the grocery list with the least amount of  time and least amount of money. The food is cheap over there. I only spent $51.33.. great job,

While there I met Cassy from CNS who was shopping on the wine aisle.

She mentioned she  had some guest in the evening. Not my business anyway.

I found the cheap price of Winco very convenient and very attractive.

It is a great experience being able to feed oneself with such a low price.

The customer service is agreeable and helpful.

I asked for  a chart of the store so next time I can find everything they carry and get organized around it  by myself.

I asked to have  all my food stored in three big brown paper bags.

It is all good.

Enjoy the reading

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