Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wednesday January 6 2016

Today it is a rainy day here in Bakersfield. It is the effect of  the moisture coming to California.
A series of storms is expected to bring the much needed water. So far so good.

The result is that my feet are getting cold and wet. The parking lot is flooded ...

The flowers of the garden are all gone.
What is left is only stumps. It is a reminder for  us that the flowers are  going to be back  next Spring.
So enjoy these stumps Ad Memoriam.

Yesterday evening  I had a really healthy dinner. Stuffed Portobella mushroom with chicken thighs and a couple of rye bread slices. Eating healthy.

Later I  went to the gym. I had body pump with Ellie. She is the lady at my right hand side. Always happy to see me working out over there. I guess it is part of her job.. and she is accepting posing with me for this weekly picture. As all teachers at the gym anyway. I am not discriminating with any of the teachers at the gym.

During body pump I consciously made the choice of going for precision of movement and repetition rather than  heavy weights. 

I am not going over there to bulk up, I am going over there  to be fit and to feel healthy.

I am working on my legs. Bending my legs more and more. Using my core to keep my body in balance.

After body pump with Ellie I had Zumba with Mike. A soft and funny way to do a healthy cardio.

I greeted Debby, Maria, Laura, Chris and many familiar people.

Debbie has been out for several weeks. She mentioned her dad past away and that  her husband has  had some medical issue. She is back anyway.

Miranda took me to the gym and back. There was another person with us can't mention his name. He is another customer at CNS.

Yesterday my boys stayed at home working for the school's homework.

When I called them Chicco was still reading while  Lapo was playing.

The boys  are running on their own regular schedule.

Let's switch to this morning. You see throwing the trash  in the morning with the rain in priceless.  Stair upward and downward holding whatever trash is there near the IPC office.

And speaking of money this morning I had my money management done. First part of the program.

I did not spend anything in the outing money $24 as last weekend I was back on in La Canada among  my family and friends.

I had the  money receipt and change  limited to my grocery. 

As I went to Winco I did not spend it all. My total was $51.33.

This morning while at the office miss Mary made me noticing I was missing a few cents. 
I gave her a bunch of change and let her keep the spare cents.  

In my life I have never been a penny pincer I do not care for a few cents here and there. 

Had I been interested on this matter I would have been more involved with finance and become a CFO or similar. 

 I felt  frankly offended ...It is said do not sweat the small stuff.  

A few cents is really small stuff.

By the way I have  duly  thrown the trash under the rain... small stuff or big one dear everybody...

This morning I took a couple of Tylenol as my shunt hurt.. small stuff or big deal, dear everybody...

Enjoy the reading, and please remember I am very busy


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