Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday March 11

Yesterday after the therapy I came back home to my  apartment.
I prepared my grocery list for this weekend.

I prepared a healthy salad, this time I cooked corn on the cob.

 I used chicken breast and cottage cheese.

I had a healthy dinner and then I was off to the gym. I always  have dinner before going to  the gym.

I first did Zumba with Mike. A very funny and healthy way to move my body at the sound of music.

At the gym we took the following two pictures.

Mike is on white shirt, he is the Zumba teacher.

Salve is my left had side. She is a nice person I am normally meeting her at the gym.

She is the one that sent me these two pictures.

After Zumba I had cycle with Tiffany. I set the bike to the highest so that I could fully extend my legs. It is a simulated ride with the bike. We modify the resistance of the bike by following what is called a Tempo training.

It all  went well. At the gym I greeted the people of the local community

Everywhere at the gym is aware of my struggle to get better. They all are noticing the way I walk and the way I move my body...
They all notice the tube on my neck and on my brain.,,
After all I am a mix of machine and person. Anyway I am used to it and to the chip I am carry on my shoulder.

This morning I wake up early as usual and first of all got ready for my daily PT at the park.
I did a few laps, thrown the trash that CNS and Doug let me find next the stairs. Greeted Brian who was working in the morning, got the money for the newspaper and get my daily paper.

I called Simona who was taking the boys to school. Greeted my family and let them go off for their day.

She is the smiling person in the pictures below.

Simona is the real person that keeps the whole family together.

My mother let me know today she sent me Happy Easter Card to the wrong apartment address, that is to the 421 or 321.

Now it is a long time I am in 623 yet the family from Italy seems not to know it yet.
I  wrote to Verona  on Feb 1 to sent them the following Easter Card.

It is clearly marked at the left top my apartment number.

Apparently they have not noticed it.

It is another example of perhaps having a different point of view over things in life.

Well enjoy the reading.

I had a very good lunch today offered by AAC
It is a Spanish sandwich called Torta.

Pulled pork with a bit of sauce on a white bread. A bit of chips on the side. I feel I made the right choices. I had a lot of water rather than a soft drink.

I drunk a lot of water and had an apple that I brought today.

I called Simona over my lunch break, she is busy working at Caltech.

She mentioned that the boys are fine, tonight Chicco is supposed to go to play tennis while Lapo is going to play with Alan, Marina's youngest son. Marina is our trusted nanny.

Right now it is pouring rain outside. It is supposed to get stormy for a few hours

The rain is a welcome element in the Valley and in California.
It will take  much more rain to get a good dent into the local drought.

We are into a fourth year of drought. Water conservation in California is a way of leaving.

This is the way it is going to look like back home in La Canada.

Today I have a light cough and my throat hurt. I am having a cough, I guess I am not the only one here at CNS having this temporary discomfort.

it is raining right now, I took a picture of what it is like outside.

Jolanta lessened to my conversation about a  raise of  my  salary.

She recommended me  to take the following steps:

1) I should use the complaint form available at the reception.
2) I should cross out the complaint word out and replace it with the word recommendation
3) I should address the form to Vanessa
4) At this point I will be able to ask for an increase in the weekly allowance
5) wait and see

I am going to follow Jolanta's recommendations and see how far I am going with it.

On Sunday March 13 the time is adjusted to summer time.

It is called daylight saving time. The clock is adjusted a hour forward meaning we will loose an hour of sleep. I am fine with it.


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