Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday March 4 2016

Here is a thought for Simona my wife:

"Had I have received a cent for every moment I've been missing you, by now you would be a millionaire" .

It is all for you of course mon amour.

Yesterday I talked to Simona as I had two cards made for my family.

Simona mentioned she wanted to have the green one card I had. I kept it with me at the apartment.

 The pink one in the picture below went to my mother in Italy.

I also wrote a letter to my mother  in Italian and sent it all.

It is a small gesture of courtesy for my mother. 

 I did not go  to the gym.  I spent time by doing an accurate grocery shopping list, writing and cooking.

I cooked eggplant  on the stove. It was a good and fresh one ready to be used.

 I let it soak in the fridge with basil, oil, salt and garlic powder.

I cleaned every thing involved with my cooking activities.

The kids went to Taekwondo last night. 

When I called home the boys were both reading. 

Chicco is our eldest and is 10 years old. Lapo is our youngest and is 6.5 years old.

Chicco leads Lapo by example by showing him what to do and how to do it.
I remember when they were both playing or watching TV. 

Right now they are both reading.

This morning I walked around the park doing my early PT.

I've been enjoying the nice day and feeling the sun of the early hour of the day.

I was already awaken when the fire alarm went off at the apartment this morning.

I was about ready to leave the apartment when a sup came and let me know it was a false alarm. 

As I was awaken and  I went by with my day.

I had time to do my own program. 

I scrambled to have breakfast this morning as it is the end of the week and I do not have much food left in the apartment. 

Nevertheless I had enough to eat.
I had milk, left over granola, yogurt, peanut butter and honey on rye bread.

Of course a coffee is also included. Only one in the morning.. doctor recommended dosage.

I step down in the park. According to the GPS of my  phone I walked this morning for 2.93km.. hard to believe indeed. Yet I enjoy  doing physical exercise and staying healthy. I am lost in my exercise when I work out. I guess it is a good thing.

It has always been so, I like working out.

The boys were already  up and running.
Chicco will go to play tennis tonight, while Lapo will go to play with Marina our nanny.
Today I will go to the gym most definitely.

During the evening of the weekend my family is coming to visit me.
They are going to spent time with me  for the evening only. We will go out for dinner.

This morning before leaving the apartment I noticed the floor needed  cleaning.

I took advantage of my time by cleaning and washing the floor at my best.

Enjoy the reading, I like to keep track at my best of my activities.
By the way I distributed my stickers around today. It is a gesture of courtesy for everybody

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