Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday March 30

Already,  I am feeling clearly I not worth of anything in life... I have not been able to get anywhere.. in the past  four years I have been relegated  to my recovery place being injured and being reminded every single instance of time that  I have  a TBI.

In my opinion It is called  stigmata if you see what it means.

Yes you get on the cross once, and you can stay in the cross for ever as all you can do is to  take this cross  and to walk with it...

I am ready to take my cross, unfortunately or fortunately this cross did not take me anywhere...

yet every day I am reminded of what the gears in my brain is doing ...

You know the whole story by now..  nightmare during the night and during the day.

Talking about my activities from yesterday,,,

It was the day for body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike..

At the gym the usual people of the local community, full real people.

Marnita, Debbie, Delia

Whenever I am talking to any person I am looking them straight in the eyes to make sure they make eye contact with me.

At the gym I met Miss Amani who was working out.

She is a behavioral analyst at CNS and she works with Matt.

Daisy took me to the gym and Diego came to pick me up in the middle of my happy staying..

I like   infarct too much staying away from CNS a place that I  have never personally come to like...

At the gym I purchased again some work out gloves as I had misplaced the old ones.. It shows independence and clearly wiliness to stay equipped.

I  got the cheapest ones they had, a few bucks as my family has very little money to use.

I have to be extra careful with the money.

After the gym a nice kitty came by to say hi. He reminded me  of our cat Ramon back in Italy

My breakfast... 

A healthy and nutritious self prepared breakfast.

It is a great feeling to get fulfilled on any request


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