Monday, March 7, 2016

Grocery Shopping chart

I took the time to compile a chart with my grocery shopping expenses for the last eight weeks. It is a timeline.

The average comes to $87.

I have been receiving $75 for Grocery by the Insurance as a part of my money management program.

Clearly the extra $12 comes from my Personal account that has been supplementing my income and my needs.

According to the data below  the total  comes down to $12*8=$96 extra dollar.

I have been spending as always above the amount  the Insurance has agreed for food.

Whenever I needed money I asked for some to my IPC Jesus. He is taking $20 or $40 out  from my Personal account.

I have been trying hard to leave within my budget.  I have been removing food and rationalizing my grocery shopping list. I do not buy any red meat- too expensive. I typically buy white meat like chicken. A lot of green veggie, salad, green leafs. Celery, carrots, nuts, tomatoes.

I purchase milk, granola, brown sugar.

The  chart below shows that I am on a better trend than before,

Enjoy the chart as I am trying hard to leave within my mean, whatever you might think about it.. I feel I am trying hard.

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