Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday March 21 2016

Today is Monday and I just had an electrocardiogram at AAC. Melissa checked my heart.

My heart bits at 55 Hz.

This is consistent with the last one I had.

My heart has a slow pulse because of my excellent physical condition or so I believe to be.

The truth of the matter is that I am enjoying working out.

 I am doing a lot of cardio and like to be fit.

I have always enjoyed doing a lot of sport.

Cardio mostly.

At the apartment I have been organizing my space

The park near the apartment is really nice during this time of the year.

This morning I brought Palms at CNS.

I had it yesterday at Church.

Yesterday at church they reenacted the process to Jesus Christ and the time He was condemned.

At church I gave the whole $24 of my outing money as last weekend I did not go to the movie.

I met Nelson a former patient of CNS. He is doing fine. He asked me when I will go home.

The true of  the matter is that I  do not know. 

I have been at home all this time since I came at CNS more than 4 years ago.

Last  Saturday the usual cleaning activity of the weekend.
I washed all my personal clothes, changed the bed, cleaned the bathrobe.

First I had time to wash it all. Later I left the drier going and went to grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
I spent $85.24.

I greeted  Andy. 

He mentioned that next week he turns 42 and her will not be at the store.

I purchased everything on my list. I got OJ for extra vitamin C.

I  purchased two quarters of milk as well. For my morning cappuccino.

As usual my Economist magazine arrived on time.

Once back I had time to put it all away. I  got all my items  that were drying in the laundry area.

In the afternoon I wrote to my family .

It is about the virtue of doing a good clean up.

In the afternoon I wwalked to the gym

I signed out from the apartment, at 1 pm walked to the gym by myself. 

Once there I called CNS to let them know I reached the gym. worked out  a bit. 

I walked back and at 3:30 I signed back in at the apartment.

My weight is 176.2lb

The distance is 3 miles  all by walking by myself.

Of course I am following the rules of the street.

Crossing with the green signal and walking on the side of the road.

Enjoying every single moment of it.

Of course after all the physical exercise  I  had  good carbs to refuel my body.

Pappardelle pasta with ham, basil and Parmesan cheese.

A great salad home made.

the roses are getting there

Can you spot the different shadow?

I am having a great time, the greatest time of my life.

Indeed I would put myself in such a wonderful setting to be simply  be able to enjoy.

This morning I have almost cut myself with throwing away the trash.
 It had what felt like as  a broken fluorescent tube in it...

Dear CNS let's understand that I care about my finger integrity perhaps more than your own trash.

At lunch I called my family. The boys are in Spring break and they were at home.

Obviously my mother in law Anna is with them to keep them busy.

my mother sent me from Italy the following picture.

 It is of Magnolia flower near my brother Francesco house.

My mother sent me as well this  picture of these orange tree.

In my own town in Verona they are using Pizza Bra to have an outdoor exposition of  orange trees.

Yesterday I wrote this thank you note to CNS. I left it at the reception at the apartment.
For whoever that would like to see it.

Enjoy the reading

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