Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday march 10

Miss Amanda sent to IT and Lauree another computer request.

Robert came today to fix the table of the computer number 2.
It is now fixed. I can use the computer with my far sighted glass.
it is all well.

At the clinic I read the news paper for today.. all interesting pages from the local news to the national and international news.

I like to read it every day at my best.

The keystone of our family is Simona my wife.

I called her this morning.

She was taking the kids to school as usual. Chicco is in V grade while Lapo attends first grade.
The boys are doing well in life and keep the family active, Simona always busy and me always drawn to them.

Simona  mentioned that at lunch she is going to be busy  as she normally is. 

Today she has visitors at Caltech.

At the apartment today I had taken care of the last part of my money management. 

$75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

I happily walked in the park, greeted Randy ( a retired CNS workers), thrown the trash that Doug always make me find over the stairs near the IPC office. It is good for me to do the stairs early in the morning so that I can bend my legs.. being careful for keeping my balance.

I did my morning PT enjoying the early hours of the morning.

Yesterday evening I distributed the new schedule at the apartment as it was a Wednesday.

I then went to the gym.

I had cycle with Cassie. She is the lady at my back. I inquired about her grandma.

She mentioned that her grandma had a new cable provider so she can choose between more TV channels.

Cassie  is always pushing the class to focus on the efforts of the moment.

She encourages to think what can be done better for the next time and where we can apply our strength and conviction for the next time around.

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia.
I stayed light and focused my mind in doing repetition and on having the right range of motion.

Particularly when it comes to my legs I am trying to bend it better and better.
I am working on my core as well where the stability is coming from.

At the gym I greeted the usual familiar people: Pete, his wife Michelle, Delia, Damian and  Liz.

Damian is recovering from a bad knee so he is very careful while doing his exercise yet 

Time to eat sincerely

I had a really good lunch outside under the patio
the weather is nice and the food was also appropriate to my appetite

I had brought a spinach salad, with chicken, tomatoes and ricotta cheese.

A couple of pieces of fruits completed my healthy lunch.

At lunch I got in touch with my mother in Italy.
today the phone service Skype was not good enough.
My mother ended up calling me back.
She mentioned she is doing well.
She received the card I sent her for Easter. Jolanta and I worked together on this little project.
We also made cards for other patients and  their relatives.
It is a small project that aims to raise a small amount of money for the CNS brain injury association.

Anyway I had two cards made: one for my wife Simona another for my mother. I sent hers in Italy.

Simona attended was busy with a Seminar as agreed. I called her first and then sent her a text message. She texted me back mentioning she was heading to another couple of meetings.

She is always such a busy person..


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