Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17 St. Patrick day

Today it is celebrated S.Patrick day. 
These are the images that are found on the web for the Saint.

The symbol of  the shamrock symbolizes the holly trinity.

Yesterday evening I did not book for the movie on purpose. 

It is to make the point that I do not appreciate  the schedule being changed without being consulted ahead. 

In my job  I used to be kept in the loop of any decisions. 

 As a personality l appreciate being  informed with a transparent process rather than being indirectly informed with a 'de facto' assumption.

 I hope this message reaches the activity coordinator's hears.. that is it is  you Miss Sara H.

 I  went to the gym and I had only cycle with  Cassie

Cassie mentioned that her grandma was following the remodeling works in her kitchen by assisting the painters in telling them what to do.

She is always full of details and information about her grandma doing.
I met  the two of them once at church.

Yesterday I went to the gym. I only took part at the  cycle class, as I was not feeling well. 
Because I was shriveling I came back early and skip body pump with Sylvia.

I am having a lingering congestion and  laryngitis. It is something that goes around, for me it bugs me a lot and it is limiting the amount of physical wellness that I can enjoy,

I cut short the evening as I was not feeling well.

Chanel the sup came to pick me up with her car. She drives a nice Honda.

I came back to the CNS apartment took a shower and hurt my forearm on the counter.

It it is simple and really freaky accident.

Anyway as it was bleeding I used the items I had in the medical cabinet to clean it up and to apply antibiotic ointment.  Ahead of the nurse.

I slept well with all my night meds. As usual I wake up at 6am today.

I had my usual good breakfast, by now you sure are aware of my  healthy eating habit in the morning and in general anytime I am eating.
 I walked around in the park did all my daily routine.

Amanda  confirmed me today that if I want to stay back one of these days because of my cold I can stay back 

Just in case at the apartment  I can do the same activities over there, read the newspaper, cook, write letters, fill my blog by using my computer...

By the way  today Tami gave me the following Peppermint herbal tea to taste back at the apartment.

I just went to Nursing to get my cough medication.

Melissa mentioned I am toward the tail end of it.

Hopefully it is so as it makes me feeling very weak and uncomfortable.

During lunch I called home and talk to Anna my mother in law.

She was taking the day to farther explore the neighbors.. after all it is only five or six years she has been knowing it in detail.

Anna has been spending a lot of time with us in California. Normally Anna resides in Rome.

When she is here she takes care of our boys and of Simona.
She is a wonderful mother in law. I explained it already to Jamie at Trader Joe's. 
She is telling me that  having a great mother in law is something  to cherish

We all cherish Anna's support and help during this time.

Enjoy the reading

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