Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday March 2 2016

Yesterday evening I came back home at the apartment. I started cooking.
I cooked in the oven  Zucchini quash first.

Afterward I  cut it into cutlet, added  seasoning, milk, a couple of eggs and prepared a frittata.

While I was cooking I prepared a letter for my family and my boys.
I wrote to them about my feeling and about the present for them I  received from AAC.

The boys are always so busy. Yesterday they were attending an after school program at school as it was the day for doing homework.

I did not go to the gym as I had bus training with my IPC Jesus.

We took the bus #61. The route took us toward Trader Joe's and CSUB

The bus system is efficient, it runs smoothly and the personnel is very courteous. 

I like the whole system and enjoyed the experience of riding the bus system in Bakersfield.

 The fare is $3.50 and it has been paid by CNS as a part of the training.

Today  it is a beautiful day. As usual I started my day by having a good walk in the park near the apartment. 

In the morning it is a very pleasant place to walk upon.

Additionally  I can hear nature waking up, little bird tweeting and  cheering  for the good season.

My mother sent me the  image below  from Italy.  It is  of a red pomegranate and of a yellow  mimosa flower.  he flower is a traditional flower for the celebration of the upcoming March 8th (woman's day).

This morning I had my first part of the money management completed.
It was the day for receipt. I am doing very well with the outing money as I am always balancing it to $24.  I spent it for the movie outing, the green tea and the snack. At the movie theater they started offering Edamame (Soy beans) which is a healthy snack. The grocery shopping is also getting there. 

This is my grocery shopping account for the past month:  $78.35- $86.35-$97.04-$89.07. 
The average is $87.67. 

As I have $75 a week for shopping I have been  using a Personal Account that Simona my wife set up and left for me.

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