Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday March 3 2016

Yesterday I had lunch outside under the patio.

I had the welcome company of a few stray dogs. It is the first time they were here.
Jolanta came out under the patio and invited them to go away.
They were little curious dogs. I enjoyed snapping the following pictures of them all.

Most likely they were attracted by my food.
 I did not feed them. It is a big mistake feeding any  stray animals.
It is a bad habit to form for them.

My lunch: asparagus, tilapia, tostadas, apricot.

At the center we put together some Happy Easter Card with Jolanta. 
We are going to offer at the center as a tool for raising money.
 It looks to me a very good idea.
I originally took the picture of the Eastern eggs and of some of the flowers in the pictures.
Other flowers came from Yolanda's garden.

I took a picture of the flowers at the front of the Mt Vernon Clinic

They are very pretty Lilies flower.

Yesterday after therapy I distributed the schedule for the new week. 
As Simona is coming this weekend I did not book any movie outing.

I prepared my dinner. Chicken breast following Alex's recommendations.

As a side a healthy Arugula salad. I added tomatoes, avocados, basil and red grapes.

It is a good experiment to make.

Later  I went to the gym.  

It was the day for doing cycle with Cassie and body pump with Sylvia.

She is Cassie always kind with me. I asked about her grandma's doing. 

Some time ago I met her at the S. Philip's the Apostle Church with her grandma. 

Whenever I see her I ask  about her grandma. I think she appreciates it.

During the class I focused in  fully extending  my legs. 

Cassie is  leading the class. She is pushing us to enjoy the moment and to focus on our effort by always say "Yes I can do, yes I will do it"

After cycle I did body pump with Sylvia. 

She is  inviting us to use the right weight.

I stayed light, focused as usual on repetition, range of motion and precision.
Sylvia is giving us a lot of good tips, and I am following them all at my best.

I am not there to hurt my body in any way. I am happy to work out lightly and to enjoy my physical exercise.

I remember that once I hurt my body by going too heavy. Since them I learnt to stay light.

After the gym I was feeling well without any arm done to my body.

At the gym I greeted Damian, Pete and his wife Michelle, Delia and many other familiar people.

At the gym Andrew kidded with me. He is a very nice person.

Miss Alexis R. drove me  to the gym and waited for me until 7pm. At that tome  I am typically leaving the gym to go back to the apartment.

Alexis R. did my  coverage while  there.

When I came back to the apartment the boys were at home and watching "Despicable me " at the TV.

This morning I had a good Oatmeal. 

Then went at the reception of the apartment. I had my second part of the Money Management. As usual I  had  $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

Completed my breakfast with blueberry, milk, grains and yogurt.

As the next weekend Simona is coming to visit me, the outing money will go toward charity to church. 
Thus far I am set this way.

I then went for  a walk in the park near the apartment. Enjoyed the morning hours. Birds are tweeting around, the temperature is getting very pleasant in the morning.

This is another picture of the park.

The flowers near the apartment are blossoming.

I got my morning PT done and later I was ready to catch the bus for coming to the Mt. Vernon clinic.

I met Paul and kidded with him about receiving due bills for the rental and for the property taxes.

Well Paul recommended me to leave the country as the IRS is after me. 

I guess this solves the matter about my due  property taxes..

Everybody is always ready to kid with me.. I enjoy them all very much.

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