Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday March 28

Last Friday I wrote a letter to my family,  I am feeling at time so lonely that I am filling the paper with words for fear of staring at an   empty paper sheet... it needs to the filled with words as nobody is filling it otherwise... It is perhaps called "Horror Vacui" if you really understand what this means.

In the afternoon I went to see a nice movie

I enjoyed seeing it very much. Since the movie has been moved to Friday it is one of the few movie I saw. I am feeling  I am letting my gym down. And in fact I  have been letting it down.

At the movie I had green tea and get  edamame  (Soy beam)

On Saturday I followed the usual routine that since 2011 I have been  following.

Washing all my clothes, changing the bedding, washing the bathrobe and all the item I see fit to wash.

Cappucino in the morning.. sounds really good 

I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. 

I purchase more than enough.. got flowers for Simona as well.

Whenever I going  for grocery shopping it shows my frustration that  I am channeling into spending money over there. Yes I recognized I am a highly frustrated patient at CNS... and as a result I am enjoying spending money at grocery. There is nothing wrong with this matter.


I am purchasing anyway good food: veggie, fruit, a bit of white meat, fish, cheese..

I am very much interested in eating healthy according to my own personal taste.

Last Saturday  spent $108.44 quite a good amount for me.. anyway whenever I need extra money Ana my RTC is giving me some from my Personal Account.. so you see it is working well. 

Money in from Simona money out from me.

Simona came the afternoon to take me to La Canada to celebrate Easter 

Her flowers.

In La Canada with the other flowers.

At some point during my home visit we went to eat at Settebello pizzeria with the whole family.

It is a good pizzeria in Pasadena. We all enjoyed the food.

The kids had their fair share of pizza. As a desert they had Pizza with Nutella as well.

On Easter morning we went to church to S. Bede in La Canada.
Monseigneur Antonio officiated the Easter Mass.

The family in  Italy has been having a good Easter as well.

They have been cooking fist as they went to the Adriatic Coast.

In California we  got our coffee at the Intelligentsia coffee place in Pasadena

Electronic time is easy whenever you have a device to play with

Already let the web know I have asked again to Miss Amanda and CNS to get a written document to discuss together in an upcoming meeting.

I feel highly frustrated for all the matter that is escaping to me.. You say I am not remembering things.. perhaps it is a fact.  As such let start the action of documenting with a copy for me as well.

Yet I remember what is like to provide a  service that has been repeatedly asked  by an individual customer.

You see all, I have never had such a document nor any fulfilled request of mine about you documentation.

This document should come with a letter head from CNS, with a revision control number and all the good practice that come with a proper documentation control.

Please CNS remember that I was VP of Technical Marketing before and I know what I am talking about...

Let your record know I am feeling frustrated by the constant evasive  answer that I am having from CNS.

I have been at CNS since January 2012. I have a bunch of gear in my brain that everyday reminds me of why I am here and who I am. Hence dear CNS understand my  point of view.. every time I am taking a shower - at least twice a day- I see  the gears in my head. I am reminded of the lack information I had been given from  you.

For Easter we were invited at Bel Air. Bob and Raffaella leave there. Bob is in the red polo of this picture.

We had a very good lunch

The lunch was very pleasant and very well made.

Bob and Raffaella are having the backyard of  their house being reworked.

They removed the hot pool it used to be in this corner of the house.

They are also working on  landscaping  their garden

Simona brought a typical Italian Colomba cake for Eastern


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