Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday March 16

Dinner yesterday: egg frittata with a side salad.

After dinner I went to the gym..

I did body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike.
At body pump I stayed light, repetition and precision was my focus.

At the gym  I am realizing how much far behind I have fallen with my body impairment.

My legs are not  functioning as my brain tells them to move.

My knees refuse to bend or to follow the proper way of their range of motion.

I feel my leg stiff, rigid and inflexible. 

And of course all the above is nothing new for you nor for me.. it is the way it is right now.
~ ~ ~
Right now is an understatement. 

As it is I have been far worst that the current condition.
I came at CNS on the 13th of January 1012. 
This makes is for more than four years ago. 

There is not limit on how far behind one can fall in life.

We all took a significant fall, yet we are all standing strong.

~ ~ ~
Chanel the sup came to pick me up from the gym at the agreed time (7pm) and she drove me back at home. My real home is elsewhere, right now I am hosted in Bakersfield following my accident..
As a result of my accident I am a real  physical mess.. I feel it and it is obvious to the others as well

My injury affected -among other things- my cerebellum.

You can use the following link from CNS to check on more useful information

As mentioned in this next  link the cerebellum is an interpreter of the motor command of the descending pathway of the brain.

 Hence despite my brain giving the correct command, it gets interpreted by my body in a different way... yet in my brain it appears as if  it were correctly implemented. 

It is called muscle memory. I am dreaming of running again as I was able to do before, I am looking forward in being able to run again, hence I am loving all the physical exercise I can do right now.

This is as I am explaining it right now..

This morning the sand at the local park  was cleaned with a rake and its marks were visible.

My healthy breakfast for today.

Milk, blueberry, cereal, frothed milk and a lot of coffee.

I had my first part of money management completed.
Today it is the day for me to return the receipt for outing and for grocery.

As usual I am doing well with the outing, I am getting better with the grocery shopping expenses.

I am converging to the $75 agreed amount by the insurance. Last time I spent $78.36 closer to the amount ($75) provided by the Insurance.

The boys are at school and Simona stopped for the usual Starbucks.

I called her over there, she stopped to work with her PC.

It is a good spot for her to have some work done early in the morning as nobody is going to bag her nor distracting from her work.

A few local flowers..

I still have a lingering cough, most of the customers at CNS have a cough as well.

 It is a virus that has been going around. It will take a few days to clear out.

My mother sent me the following picture of her flowers at home.

Her tree is blooming,   as it is Spring time over there.

Enjoy the picture.
I quickly had lunch standing on a corner of the kitchen. A salad and a  fruit.
It is all I feel eating given the situation and the setting.
I have frankly came to dread the moment of eating at the clinic.

After lunch I  had my oral hygiene done  and called Simona my wife.

Simona confirmed I will stay in Bakersfield this weekend. 
She is going to be back busy with running the house, taking care of the boys.
In her spare time work a bit.

Anna is helping her with the food activity so they share the workload.

Beside we agreed that given my cough is here, I am somehow contagious and. 

It is best to segregate the ones that are healthy from the ones that are unhealthy.  
I agree with this approach. I am going to organize myself as always. 
She has already organized herself and I will adapt accordingly.

Nothing better than a weekend having time to enjoy the activities that CNS is going to decide to make available for the patients.

I am sure there will be surprise.. 


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