Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday March 24

Yesterday I went as usual to the gym among the  people of the community.

I like to be there. However I am not a  normal person in the classical sense..

You see I typically  snap pictures wherever I go.

More importantly I have a bunch of gear implanted in my brain, tubes going from my head around my ear and discharging the extra fluid of my brain into my stomach.
This keeps the pressure in my brain steady, it is called hydrocephalus condition...

I also have a tracheotomy scar on my neck.. you can see on the picture below.

I have a feeding tube scar on my stomach where I had once my feeding tube.

I have other scars around, on my hand..

How to forget about all this matter... when I am constantly remained who I am and why I am here at CNS.

Whenever I take a shower and dry my hair I can see the gear on the brain by myself. How to forget.. how to remove this chip from my shoulder... every day every instance every time..People around me that know me well are acting as if it was not there. I appreciate this approach. It is refreshing for me.

Four years is a long time to get thinking about your own conditions...I lost a lot of things..perhaps I am not the only one that feels this way..

The gym. Cycle with Cassie extending my legs. She pushes the class: she is telling us to focus on what we have been doing and how to push ourselves a bit harder next time we are there.

It is a matter of Conviction, Strength and wiliness she says.

Afterward  I had body pump with Sylvia.
Staying light, focusing on repetition and precision of movement. It is all I can expect from my body.

I am not loading myself beyond my  limits... "Nosce te  Ispsum"

I remember once I got carried away and loaded my body too much. 

As a result I strained my back.. I was in pain for quite some time.

 Right now every time I use my back muscle I  pay attention to my movement.
In fact I have learnt to protect my body. 

At the gym Pete, his wife Michelle, Delia, Marnita, Jim, Liz and all the nice people of the community at the gym.

I had a good work out of course.

They all see how bad  I am walking, they all see all the gear that is coming out of  my neck on my right hand side and in my head.. they all know how far I am from being a normal  individual.

Because I am not a normal person, I feel and see all these gears in my head by myself.

I am a brain injury survivor,,. it is perhaps something equivalent to be a cancer survivor.

It is a survivor feeling nevertheless..

Well you see every single instant of time at CNS I am reminded of this. 

It is as if at the hospital the doctors would walk around with a T-shirt saying "You all had a disease.. perhaps it is cancer"

How would you  feel about it? How would you feel about this hospital?

I would feel that it is  trying too hard to sell and to self advertise.

Anyway yesterday I cooked by myself.

 I prepared corn on the cob in the mircowave.

Afterward I seared the chicken on the hot pan

After searing the chicken  I cooked it in the oven.

I seasoned it with salt, peppers, and oregano.

 I went downstairs to get rosemary from the CNS garden at the apartment.

I added the Russel potatoes  that I cut into small cubes. 

I seasoned everything  and cooked properly in the oven.

It is all well, cooking light and healthy.

Like the doctor Newbro said yesterday my cholesterol is as low as  the one of a young boys and  yes I like to eat healthy and well.

I do not eat nor drink any food I consider bad or junk food.

I eat plenty of vegetable, some white meat mostly chicken. 
Right now I do not buy any read meat. 

 I  am eating a lot of fish, I  love Tilapia indeed. It comes really healthy and tasty in the oven seasoned with capers, peppers and bread crumbs.

I use a lot of Olive oil in my food.

Whenever I purchase a new food I am looking at the nutrition information.

I am eating different nutrient, a lot of colorful veggie.
I enjoy cooking hence  I am always cooking for myself. 

Yesterday evening the boys were busy with piano lesson with Liz.

These are the pictures of the flowers at the apartment.
Imagine what you can do with a real DSRL camera. Perhaps a camera that has wifi connectivity.
Nowadays it is needed to link with you cell phone and it is used to upload the pictures one is taking with the camera... Actually I found that Sony has this product.

Imagine what this technology would like. ..
Oh well yes,, but imagine would you would be able to do or how far you would be able to go with this technology. It is a very interesting product

Lapo is at home. He is working on a research project with Anna.
They are working on the Western Tanager bird
it is a well articulated research project. He is working on a subject every day. At the end it will be about a ten pages long project.

I found a useful link at this website.

Anna mentioned that Chicco worked on a similar project as well. He had a subject a king snake.

Today the newspaper was the old one.. or at least it appeared to me on the front of the machine.
I returned the money at the reception to miss Mary

I have been paid today.
The usual $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

I had a good lunch today. I brought the left over chicken, Russel potatoes and corn.
I had a serving of vitamin C as I had a couple of Kiwis.

Amanda let me have a small amount of coconut oil and I put it on my lips.
I feel it dry on the side.

By the way,  the celebration of S. Joseph is past.It was the 19 of march.

Thus far I did not receive any card nor any email from my Italian family.

My sister Isabella received my birthday card yet she was careful in making sure S. Joseph Onomastico had past without noticing.

Different temperament? Oh yes completely different attitude in life and with yourself.
Let's not start about this soar matter to me. I am surprise I am still wasting my time on it.

You cant's expect somebody to be somebody else,
In life by now I will be lowering my expectation with respect to them all.

After all ... enough said about it

Enjoy the reading

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