Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31 post lunch

Broccoli and mozzarella.. 
A good lunch outside under the patio.

I talked with Simona and mentioned that I appreciated her visit over the weekend.

She mentioned she is going to come over the weekend as well as I am going to have my procedure done mid late this week.

I am going to work on the database for Lisa.

Monday August 31 2015

A flower is a beautiful sign of acceptance and peace.

May this flower lead our day from now on.

I love the park and its peaceful surrounding.

I walk over there as much as possible, by signing my self out and letting the sups know about my expected staying .

I  learned the sign out  and the sign in procedure. Clearly CNS is responsible for every body and for myself included.

Yesterday evening (Sunday night)  for dinner I had a broccoli frittata.
I cooked the broccoli first in boiling water, later I mix it with eggs.  

Finally I cooked in on the stove and prepared a healthy side salad.

Everything is well.

Yesterday I also went to the gym and got my weight.

189.6 lb 

At the gym
I did my own program. I have been developing by  myself. I have been adding the advice of many people around me.

Particularly I feel that the Stepper is really making an impact on  my ability to get stronger.

On Sunday early morning I went to church at S.Philips the Apostle on Stockdale HWY.

Part of the message was the following.

Be honest to be at peace with God.
Sins can be conquered.
We choose to put our trust in God.

Last Saturday my wife Simona came to visit me with the kids

I gave her the letters I have written to her and to our son.

I am writing to our eldest son Chicco in English and block letters, while I am making some simple drawing for Lapo our youngest one.

Here are the boys holding my letters and my drawing. 
They were enjoying some down time at the TV.

To Simona I  gave her the cactus I picked up at a local nursery.
It had three nice flowers.

She  smiled at me and mentioned : "I hope I do not make it die."

"Mon amour I am sure you will not!"

With Simona we went to eat at a local Restaurant: California Pizza Kitchen.

I had halibut, with asparagus on a bed of Quinoa.

Chicco here at my left hand side had Pizza.

As it was hot and the kids were eating with us, I picked up a nice Strawberry Mango Cooler.. No  Beer in front of the kids. Al thought I am allowed to have a non alcoholic beer with Simona I  felt the Cooler was the best way to go.

Lapo had Macaroni and Cheese.
He liked it very much.

Afterward he also got a Sundae

We went to catch the movie Minions at the Edward Theater. 

"Parami La Triba" !

A nice family movie. I feel that as a family it was a good choice.

Both Chicco and Lapo enjoyed the movie. Simona was able to catch the subtleties of the Minion language.

On Saturday  morning I cleaned the whole apartment, washed my clothes, bathrobe and sheet cover.

I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's for the whole week.

Over there I had a lot of fun. I met the usual people that take care of my shopping.

I greeted everybody, snapped this selphie with Candace ( She is making a silly  face for me)

My final bill for a mere ... $105.60 

Not bad considering it is for the whole week..

Ticket for the raffle and a new supply of Stickers were included.

Finally last Friday in the evening I went to the gym.

I had Zumba with Caroline, She is the lady with the blue hat.
Next to Caroline you see Suzy in pink shirt.
At the center of the picture is me -Giuseppe - with the Caltech hat.

Next to me is Rachel and finally at the far left is  Lee with a  blue polo.

They all posed with me for my weekly picture.

I love going to the gym, I am over there as much as possible. Doing sport and  moving my legs make me feeling good.

I have a similar kick in the morning when I am taking my morning cold shower.
I first start with a warm shower, got cleaned up and finally turn the cold water on.
It is called " the heroic minute- il minuto eroico".

Time for lunch

Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28 post lunch

I had a good lunch outside, it is a very nice day.

I had a good lunch by CNS.

I paired it with the arugula salad  I brought for me.

During lunch I called home. I found the boys.
I talked with Lapo the youngest.

They were going to play Tennis today..

Once in a month at school  they have Collaboration day. 

It is a parent teacher conference day when the kids are leaving school earlier.

Our kids are going to play tennis first.

Later today they are  also going to Taekwon-do practice.

Lapo is senior brown and Chicco is black belt.

I am switching to work with Lisa.

Friday August 28 2015

Yesterday evening After my therapy I came back to my apartment.

I cooked chicken breast with Yellow pepper and made a healthy salad.

Arugula, cucumber, cherry red tomatoes, green apple.

Italian dressing: Olive Oil, Balsamic Glaze.

After dinner I cleaned everything.

It was finally time for me to go to the gym.

Yesterday my  Zumba class got cancelled.

Sensing it I came prepared. I brought my work out gloves with me.

I had the chance of doing my own routine.

Stepper 1.8 miles
Abdominal crunch 3x40
Rotary torso 3x40
Leg shed 3x80

At the gym I  met Chris and Raquel.

I always see them at the gym.

Raquel mentioned she is in the Zumba class with me.

Shanice was at the reception.

Diego Rivera brought me to the gym and as usual at 7pm it was time for me to leave. 

So Diego came to pick me up and brought me back to the apartment.

At the gym I had the chance of taking my weight.

I am 191 lb.

I am 191 lb. 

I had a banana afterward. It is a good source of Potassium and fiber for the body after a workout.

My Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone for evening meds.

It is all good.

This morning I went for a walk in the Park. It is a beautiful day.
I greeted Michelle - she was picking some herbs from the field.

I greeted her as always.  She is a very nice lady.

I had my good breakfast this morning. As always it is a good way to start my day.. with NPR and Simona's picture in front of me.

Simona is fine. As usual she drove the boys to school. 

Chicco is in V grade with Miss Meickle.
Lapo is in I grade with Miss Rappleye. Lapo has  the same teacher that Chicco had when he was in I grade.

Chicco has 10 years . His birthday was a couple of weeks ago.  Lapo has 6 years.

Today at the AAC Melissa provided me instruction for my upcoming colonoscopy.

This medical procedure is scheduled for next Friday at the Kern Gastroenterology Medical Group.
Dr Robin Matuk is the doctor is charge of my case.

I will be skipping the clinic next Thursday and next Friday in order to undergo this procedure.

It is a preventive procedure for me as I have a medical history that puts me at a mild risk category.
Everything is going to be fine. 
I signed the papers and Simona had been informed as well. 
Simona is currently the head of our household and the insurance holder.

She is always in the loop behind the line.

Lunch time next.
Enjoy the reading.
Thank you CNS and mon amour.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday August 27 2015

My good wish for the day is to wish everybody a great day.

To get stronger and better.

It is an inspiration to be patient and to be able to wait. 

The flowers are for my wife Simona, my mother in law Anna.

I sent it to my mother in Italy as well.

She mentioned that yesterday my brother Francesco and his wife Sara returned home.
They were vising my mom in Fano for a vacation of Ferragosto.
They came back to Verona driving the bike they used to come to Fano.

I sent the flowers  to Amanda (director of AAC) and Jolanta ( my Case Manager at AAC).

Their good will and patience with me is appreciated.

I started my day by walking in the park around the apartment, helping around to trough the trash that I was finding around. It was my money management day. CNS is giving me  $75 for grocery and $24 for outing. It is every two weeks.
I am doing great with the outing money, I have to confess that I am doing not so well with the grocery outing. As I tend to go over my allowance.
Luckly  for me Simona - my wife- has added money to my Personal account so that whenever I need money, there is a Procedure to follow that involves my IPC. 

Today after reading the current event news I had Yoga at 11 am with Amy. She is our yoga teacher at the AAC. The yoga lasted until 12 and later we went on a lunch break until 1pm

This morning I learned something more about Amy's  family.

I like our Yoga session.  It is always good to learn about how to enhance our body capabilities in a natural way. 
It is called physiology.  

After Yoga I had a great lunch: baked Tilapia with bread crumbs and parsley cover.
A healthy Salad with tiny tomatoes, arugula, green apple nuts..   

I eat it outside under the patio. I  carefully cleaned it so that I left as I found it today. It is a courtesy to CNS of course. 

This morning I enjoyed my peaceful day at the  nearby park.

I enjoyed my walking. I greeted Michelle who was at the park collecting  some herbs.

Yesterday evening our kids were at home. They did they piano lesson with Liz.
Once done they were watching TV together waiting for Simona to be back.

I greeted the both of them as they were enjoying their evening show.

Simona mentioned that she was going home as she did not want to be late for the evening.

Yesterday evening I booked for the movie on Saturday. I   got a new schedule  and 
I helped distributing the schedule around the apartment complex.

I cooked both my dinner and lunch.
A great salad with a lot of arugula,  cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, avocados, green apple

I like cooking and I am always looking forward trying new recipes.

At  the gym I had body pump with Silvia. 

She is the lady at my left hand side in Yellow shirt.

I brought my black work out gloves for the gym

At the gym I met the usual person: Pete and his wife Michelle.

Georgia  ( in the picture above in Black), Damian and Richard.
I focused on repetition and as I am getting stronger I used a bit more weight.
Afterward I stretched.

As usual at 7pm for me it was time to leave the gym and to get going back home.

After my evening shower I get a snack together with my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone.

Enjoy the reading.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday August 26 Jin Chang

Yesterday Jin-Chan gratudates at Caltech.

He is the best PhD student Simona had.

Next he is going to Harvard.

Simona is very happy as Jin-Chang has been a very good experience for Simona.

Congratulation Mon amour.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


We had a good mediation with Matt.

We finished talking about the remaining  Ten Perfection (paramis)

5) Persistence: it is a positive way to keep sticking to a task ( in the context it was Mediation). When we meditate we keep track of the breath

6) Endurance: to be able to finish what one has started. Tolerate other things that make things conducive (i.e not helpful)

7) Truth

8) Determination: wanting to be determined to complete a task.

9) Goodwill

10) Equanimity: understanding that others will say things that hurt us, yet we accepts the other's view. We develop a sense of mental balance.

I made the point that I do not necessarily wait to meditate at CNS when Matt is here.

In the park it is easy for me to get in tune to mediate to start my day with a good sense of balance and equanimity.

Thank you Matt, as always

Tuesday August 25 2015

There are many flows at CNS, things that do not work or things that remind us to be careful as we leave in a very low level place...

The latest is the availability of water.
Recently Jolanta mentioned that the water on the bus is responsibility of the transportation person ( light brown polo).
Apparently today' person (Jemena) has not been doing her job properly..
She dared to tell me : If you want water then  get it yourself..

If it was a public service ( which is not) it would not be worth of a Tip ...

Dear Jolanta and CNS who is in charge of the transparent liquid so much needed to sustain life please?

Coming to me.. as this is my daily blog about my own brain and action had dinner : scramble eggs a good salad... and NPR 

Finally it was time for me to go to the gym.

The gym was at 5:45 pm yet CNS was late and I  missed my Yoga class (thank you for your Courtesy CNS). I stayed later as a contract is a contract and you CNS are some flaws to catch up.

I had cycle.
 Pete was leading the class.

Pete's wife Michelle was there as well.
I met Richard, Damian  and many other human person that are not enslaved at CNS nor subject to the really poor service of this place.

Apparently CNS's schedule is  an approximate be used as a reference only.

Judging from the past few days of service.. 
The CNS as a whole should be get together to put its own act to do a better job.

The real beauty and peace is outside the whole of CNS...

As every morning I  roamed free in the park.
Enhanced my day by breathing and paying attention to each and every breath of hair.

I collected some empty bottle for recycle.
I picked it up from the grass as I am not searching into the trash.

Good breakfast as always ...

Does anybody at CNS understand this article worthiness?

Shot on RED means that this local feature movie has been shot using the RED camera

Not many people at CNS understand how this works nor care understanding how this works,

I understand it is well above the CNS average  capabilities.. 

Sincerely and CNS mediate on the value of a good service.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday August 24

Last Friday August 21 I wrote a letter  to my boys.

I went to the gym to dance Zumba with Caroline.

I met Rachael as well over there.

I also met Larry, Janice, Brandon, Richard and Salvia.

This is Brandon with a helmet next to his bike.

Simona came back over the weekend. She came back home at an  earlier hour than expected.

She went to Maryland in the Washington area. It was for reviewing a proposal of the Department of Energy (DOE).

She took an earlier flight and she managed to be home at a good time.

Chicco and Lapo were expecting her awaken and they were happy to see Simona back home.

Last Saturday August 22  I  cleaned the CNS apartment 623, changed my beds and washed everything. Finally I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's 

I spent $85,84 and got everything it was on my list.

Kenvas at my left hand side and  Monica stood there with me to make sure I had a good time.

The usual routine at Trader Joe's: stickers and ticket for the raffle.

My lunch was healthy and I focused in consuming the things I had available.
Kale, beans Senate soup and chicken tights.

Later I went to the gym and Sandy took me there for a the afternoon.

Last Saturday my  weight was 189 lb 

Later in the evening I had my good Japanese dinner with Senate soup from Simona.

In the afternoon I went to see a movie.
It is called American Ultra.

Here is my review after watching the movie.

A great movie about love and believing in each other. She protects him dearly by showing that he is important to her above all.
She defends and protects  her love like Simona is caring for me.
It has become more than a simple mission: it is the true meaning  of loving somebody.

I greeted Roger and talked about Lapo's soccer practice with Morgana.

At the movie they wanted to sell me ticket for a senior.
I mentioned it was a long way to go for me.

At the movies I had my weekly treat: Dibs and Cherry Coke.

This is the only time during the week I have  ice cream and have a soft drink.

Our little son Lapo started playing soccer in a team. Simona went to the meeting of his soccer team.
Ali is training the team this year.
Ali, his wife Roshi, his kids are good friends of the family.

On Sunday August 23rd  I went to Church on Philippe the Apostle on Stockdale HWY.

The evening mass at S. Francis church got phased out 

Monseigneur Sanchez celebrated at church.

 I wrote another letter to my family, it is about my Saturday 

Flowers for my wife.

On Sunday evening I went to the gym, I was dropped off the gym and later picked up by Monica.
I did my own program. I like it this way.

Stepper level 7 30 minute 2.1miles
Abdominal crunch 3x40
Rotary Torso 1x40 and 2x50
Leg Sled 3x80

Thank you Monica

My breakfast this morning is a healthy balance of grains, protein and fiber.

NPR and Radio RDS streaming in the background as usual.

I then cleaned everything by hand to save water.

Before breakfast I did a good walk in the park to grab the newspaper and enjoy my day with a good walking meditation.. careful to each and every breath.

Finally it was time to grab the bus.

Apparently CNS has not working well over the weekend. 

Today there is no water to be seen anywhere. 

The irony is that CNS make sure patient make a grocery list every Thursday for going to Grocery the next Saturday.
It is ironic CNS is not capable of handling the water along the same model.

I guess CNS should start keeping a water inventory as well.. 

Most hospital have a water inventory.

 CNS should send a couple of people to lean about inventory management.

Perhaps they should train their people on Procurement and Managing the resource.

This is a job for a Production Person. 

 A Manager of Production should be able to offer the solution.. that CNS is not capable of finding judging from today's performance.
