Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday August 27 2015

My good wish for the day is to wish everybody a great day.

To get stronger and better.

It is an inspiration to be patient and to be able to wait. 

The flowers are for my wife Simona, my mother in law Anna.

I sent it to my mother in Italy as well.

She mentioned that yesterday my brother Francesco and his wife Sara returned home.
They were vising my mom in Fano for a vacation of Ferragosto.
They came back to Verona driving the bike they used to come to Fano.

I sent the flowers  to Amanda (director of AAC) and Jolanta ( my Case Manager at AAC).

Their good will and patience with me is appreciated.

I started my day by walking in the park around the apartment, helping around to trough the trash that I was finding around. It was my money management day. CNS is giving me  $75 for grocery and $24 for outing. It is every two weeks.
I am doing great with the outing money, I have to confess that I am doing not so well with the grocery outing. As I tend to go over my allowance.
Luckly  for me Simona - my wife- has added money to my Personal account so that whenever I need money, there is a Procedure to follow that involves my IPC. 

Today after reading the current event news I had Yoga at 11 am with Amy. She is our yoga teacher at the AAC. The yoga lasted until 12 and later we went on a lunch break until 1pm

This morning I learned something more about Amy's  family.

I like our Yoga session.  It is always good to learn about how to enhance our body capabilities in a natural way. 
It is called physiology.  

After Yoga I had a great lunch: baked Tilapia with bread crumbs and parsley cover.
A healthy Salad with tiny tomatoes, arugula, green apple nuts..   

I eat it outside under the patio. I  carefully cleaned it so that I left as I found it today. It is a courtesy to CNS of course. 

This morning I enjoyed my peaceful day at the  nearby park.

I enjoyed my walking. I greeted Michelle who was at the park collecting  some herbs.

Yesterday evening our kids were at home. They did they piano lesson with Liz.
Once done they were watching TV together waiting for Simona to be back.

I greeted the both of them as they were enjoying their evening show.

Simona mentioned that she was going home as she did not want to be late for the evening.

Yesterday evening I booked for the movie on Saturday. I   got a new schedule  and 
I helped distributing the schedule around the apartment complex.

I cooked both my dinner and lunch.
A great salad with a lot of arugula,  cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, avocados, green apple

I like cooking and I am always looking forward trying new recipes.

At  the gym I had body pump with Silvia. 

She is the lady at my left hand side in Yellow shirt.

I brought my black work out gloves for the gym

At the gym I met the usual person: Pete and his wife Michelle.

Georgia  ( in the picture above in Black), Damian and Richard.
I focused on repetition and as I am getting stronger I used a bit more weight.
Afterward I stretched.

As usual at 7pm for me it was time to leave the gym and to get going back home.

After my evening shower I get a snack together with my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone.

Enjoy the reading.

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