Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday August 25 2015

There are many flows at CNS, things that do not work or things that remind us to be careful as we leave in a very low level place...

The latest is the availability of water.
Recently Jolanta mentioned that the water on the bus is responsibility of the transportation person ( light brown polo).
Apparently today' person (Jemena) has not been doing her job properly..
She dared to tell me : If you want water then  get it yourself..

If it was a public service ( which is not) it would not be worth of a Tip ...

Dear Jolanta and CNS who is in charge of the transparent liquid so much needed to sustain life please?

Coming to me.. as this is my daily blog about my own brain and action had dinner : scramble eggs a good salad... and NPR 

Finally it was time for me to go to the gym.

The gym was at 5:45 pm yet CNS was late and I  missed my Yoga class (thank you for your Courtesy CNS). I stayed later as a contract is a contract and you CNS are some flaws to catch up.

I had cycle.
 Pete was leading the class.

Pete's wife Michelle was there as well.
I met Richard, Damian  and many other human person that are not enslaved at CNS nor subject to the really poor service of this place.

Apparently CNS's schedule is  an approximate timeline..to be used as a reference only.

Judging from the past few days of service.. 
The CNS as a whole should be get together to put its own act to do a better job.

The real beauty and peace is outside the whole of CNS...

As every morning I  roamed free in the park.
Enhanced my day by breathing and paying attention to each and every breath of hair.

I collected some empty bottle for recycle.
I picked it up from the grass as I am not searching into the trash.

Good breakfast as always ...

Does anybody at CNS understand this article worthiness?

Shot on RED means that this local feature movie has been shot using the RED camera

Not many people at CNS understand how this works nor care understanding how this works,

I understand it is well above the CNS average  capabilities.. 

Sincerely and CNS mediate on the value of a good service.


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