Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday August 6 2015

The AAC is still in full construction.

Yesterday as every Wednesday I had the new outing schedule..I distributed around CNS..
For the one who can not or do not want to know.. anyway it appears to me  always the same story.

I booked for the movie on Saturday evening.

Got my dinner done. A good frittata with a side a healthy salad. In the salad as usual I used spinach, carrots, nuts, apple and tiny tomatoes.


Simona kidded with me. While I am at the gym she is busy doing her own gym. It is called Palestra di vita.

I cleaned everything, washed by hand my dishes (save the water).

Finally went to the gym.  My outlet away..and also my own PT time

I did cycle with Angie - at my left hand side with the  pony tail and black bandanna. Later I had body pump with Silvia. She is in Pink next to Angie. I had my black gloves to work out.
A nice present from Larry and Janice.

Angie mentioned that she is going on a break as she needs surgery done. 
She is going to be back on the first week of September.
I told her I am going on a break too.

 She mentioned I am better keep going back to the gym as they count on me.
 She knows I am kidding with her.

At body pump with Silvia I used medium weight. I do not want to strain my body.
I paid attention not to charge my body too much rather I focus in doing repetitions.

At the gym I met Damian and saw his big Ducati bike.

I greeted Richard and many other people from the area.
Pete was in Anaheim. 

Coming to my kids both Chicco and Lapo are well. 

The kids are still on vacation. Their vacation is going to last another week
Chicco is busy doing his homework add playing the piano.
Lapo is busy being Lapo.

Yesterday I helped Berta trowing the trash.
As well today I helped Lupe with the trash and at the apartment I am finding the trash near nursing.
I am the official trash throwing of CNS... don't misunderstand me. I am doing as I can do it and I am enjoying helping out.

My breakfast has been rich and healthy.

Rye bread, butter and honey.
Blueberry with Cereal flakes and milk.
A bit of Kefir.

I had breakfast in peace at home.

Today it is the anniversary of the bomb on Hiroshima. 
70 years ago the first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.

It was followed by a bomb on Nagasaki.

The two bombs killed many thousands civilians.
They also led the Japan to surrender to the US.

Today it was my day for doing Money Management.
Today CNS gave me $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

I normally spend much more for grocery shopping.
I do not spend the money for outing.
I asked for a raise many time.. 

Today our kids are going to the dentist. Both Lapo and Chicco  have an appointment at 3pm.
At that time I have an appointment to go to doctor Nelson Madrilejo my Endocrinologist.
The last time I went there it was on the 23rd of July.

Enjoy the reading.

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