Tuesday, August 25, 2015


We had a good mediation with Matt.

We finished talking about the remaining  Ten Perfection (paramis)

5) Persistence: it is a positive way to keep sticking to a task ( in the context it was Mediation). When we meditate we keep track of the breath

6) Endurance: to be able to finish what one has started. Tolerate other things that make things conducive (i.e not helpful)

7) Truth

8) Determination: wanting to be determined to complete a task.

9) Goodwill

10) Equanimity: understanding that others will say things that hurt us, yet we accepts the other's view. We develop a sense of mental balance.

I made the point that I do not necessarily wait to meditate at CNS when Matt is here.

In the park it is easy for me to get in tune to mediate to start my day with a good sense of balance and equanimity.

Thank you Matt, as always

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