Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday August 31 2015

A flower is a beautiful sign of acceptance and peace.

May this flower lead our day from now on.

I love the park and its peaceful surrounding.

I walk over there as much as possible, by signing my self out and letting the sups know about my expected staying .

I  learned the sign out  and the sign in procedure. Clearly CNS is responsible for every body and for myself included.

Yesterday evening (Sunday night)  for dinner I had a broccoli frittata.
I cooked the broccoli first in boiling water, later I mix it with eggs.  

Finally I cooked in on the stove and prepared a healthy side salad.

Everything is well.

Yesterday I also went to the gym and got my weight.

189.6 lb 

At the gym
I did my own program. I have been developing by  myself. I have been adding the advice of many people around me.

Particularly I feel that the Stepper is really making an impact on  my ability to get stronger.

On Sunday early morning I went to church at S.Philips the Apostle on Stockdale HWY.

Part of the message was the following.

Be honest to be at peace with God.
Sins can be conquered.
We choose to put our trust in God.

Last Saturday my wife Simona came to visit me with the kids

I gave her the letters I have written to her and to our son.

I am writing to our eldest son Chicco in English and block letters, while I am making some simple drawing for Lapo our youngest one.

Here are the boys holding my letters and my drawing. 
They were enjoying some down time at the TV.

To Simona I  gave her the cactus I picked up at a local nursery.
It had three nice flowers.

She  smiled at me and mentioned : "I hope I do not make it die."

"Mon amour I am sure you will not!"

With Simona we went to eat at a local Restaurant: California Pizza Kitchen.

I had halibut, with asparagus on a bed of Quinoa.

Chicco here at my left hand side had Pizza.

As it was hot and the kids were eating with us, I picked up a nice Strawberry Mango Cooler.. No  Beer in front of the kids. Al thought I am allowed to have a non alcoholic beer with Simona I  felt the Cooler was the best way to go.

Lapo had Macaroni and Cheese.
He liked it very much.

Afterward he also got a Sundae

We went to catch the movie Minions at the Edward Theater. 

"Parami La Triba" !

A nice family movie. I feel that as a family it was a good choice.

Both Chicco and Lapo enjoyed the movie. Simona was able to catch the subtleties of the Minion language.

On Saturday  morning I cleaned the whole apartment, washed my clothes, bathrobe and sheet cover.

I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's for the whole week.

Over there I had a lot of fun. I met the usual people that take care of my shopping.

I greeted everybody, snapped this selphie with Candace ( She is making a silly  face for me)

My final bill for a mere ... $105.60 

Not bad considering it is for the whole week..

Ticket for the raffle and a new supply of Stickers were included.

Finally last Friday in the evening I went to the gym.

I had Zumba with Caroline, She is the lady with the blue hat.
Next to Caroline you see Suzy in pink shirt.
At the center of the picture is me -Giuseppe - with the Caltech hat.

Next to me is Rachel and finally at the far left is  Lee with a  blue polo.

They all posed with me for my weekly picture.

I love going to the gym, I am over there as much as possible. Doing sport and  moving my legs make me feeling good.

I have a similar kick in the morning when I am taking my morning cold shower.
I first start with a warm shower, got cleaned up and finally turn the cold water on.
It is called " the heroic minute- il minuto eroico".

Time for lunch

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