Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday 20 after lunch

Something  for lunch to be proud of: senate soup, filet mignon and a healthy salad.

While eating I talked to Simona she took the boys to school went back home cooked for a couple of days. 

I found her driving to LAX. She is going to take a plane to  Maryland to go to the Department of Energy (DOE).  She is going to do the review of a couple of proposals.

I also have called Anna my wonderful mother-in-law.
She is in Rome Italy where she  normally leaves.

She has a large extended family over there with many siblings.

We are fortunate to have Anna in our life. 
My wife Simona has learnt from her mom Anna to be optimistic, strong, resilient and looking forward for the future to come.
It is a traits of her family.
Well enjoy the reading.

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