Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday August 24

Last Friday August 21 I wrote a letter  to my boys.

I went to the gym to dance Zumba with Caroline.

I met Rachael as well over there.

I also met Larry, Janice, Brandon, Richard and Salvia.

This is Brandon with a helmet next to his bike.

Simona came back over the weekend. She came back home at an  earlier hour than expected.

She went to Maryland in the Washington area. It was for reviewing a proposal of the Department of Energy (DOE).

She took an earlier flight and she managed to be home at a good time.

Chicco and Lapo were expecting her awaken and they were happy to see Simona back home.

Last Saturday August 22  I  cleaned the CNS apartment 623, changed my beds and washed everything. Finally I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's 

I spent $85,84 and got everything it was on my list.

Kenvas at my left hand side and  Monica stood there with me to make sure I had a good time.

The usual routine at Trader Joe's: stickers and ticket for the raffle.

My lunch was healthy and I focused in consuming the things I had available.
Kale, beans Senate soup and chicken tights.

Later I went to the gym and Sandy took me there for a the afternoon.

Last Saturday my  weight was 189 lb 

Later in the evening I had my good Japanese dinner with Senate soup from Simona.

In the afternoon I went to see a movie.
It is called American Ultra.

Here is my review after watching the movie.

A great movie about love and believing in each other. She protects him dearly by showing that he is important to her above all.
She defends and protects  her love like Simona is caring for me.
It has become more than a simple mission: it is the true meaning  of loving somebody.

I greeted Roger and talked about Lapo's soccer practice with Morgana.

At the movie they wanted to sell me ticket for a senior.
I mentioned it was a long way to go for me.

At the movies I had my weekly treat: Dibs and Cherry Coke.

This is the only time during the week I have  ice cream and have a soft drink.

Our little son Lapo started playing soccer in a team. Simona went to the meeting of his soccer team.
Ali is training the team this year.
Ali, his wife Roshi, his kids are good friends of the family.

On Sunday August 23rd  I went to Church on Philippe the Apostle on Stockdale HWY.

The evening mass at S. Francis church got phased out 

Monseigneur Sanchez celebrated at church.

 I wrote another letter to my family, it is about my Saturday 

Flowers for my wife.

On Sunday evening I went to the gym, I was dropped off the gym and later picked up by Monica.
I did my own program. I like it this way.

Stepper level 7 30 minute 2.1miles
Abdominal crunch 3x40
Rotary Torso 1x40 and 2x50
Leg Sled 3x80

Thank you Monica

My breakfast this morning is a healthy balance of grains, protein and fiber.

NPR and Radio RDS streaming in the background as usual.

I then cleaned everything by hand to save water.

Before breakfast I did a good walk in the park to grab the newspaper and enjoy my day with a good walking meditation.. careful to each and every breath.

Finally it was time to grab the bus.

Apparently CNS has not working well over the weekend. 

Today there is no water to be seen anywhere. 

The irony is that CNS make sure patient make a grocery list every Thursday for going to Grocery the next Saturday.
It is ironic CNS is not capable of handling the water along the same model.

I guess CNS should start keeping a water inventory as well.. 

Most hospital have a water inventory.

 CNS should send a couple of people to lean about inventory management.

Perhaps they should train their people on Procurement and Managing the resource.

This is a job for a Production Person. 

 A Manager of Production should be able to offer the solution.. that CNS is not capable of finding judging from today's performance.


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