Wednesday, September 30, 2015

lunch break Wednesday 30

Eating Healthy under the patio outside.

A wrap with arugula and chicken with some humus spread,
While eating I call my mom back home in Italy,
She is doing fine and in good spirit.
She told me a cousin of her forwarded her a letter of mine I sent her at her address of Fano.
Now she can reads my letter. The next one  I am going to sent her is at her normal residence in Verona.

My mom mentioned that back home the weather is getting cold.  She is having some computer related problem back home. The printer she had is not working any longer while the big computer does not boot properly any longer.

When I mentioned her I was wearing short and sandals she realized that the weather in California is still warm.

I  got my cups of coffee first and later brushed carefully my teeth.
I am going to see Dr Jue for a dental on the 21 of this month.
I am going to do some more work on my database for Lisa,

Wednesday Sept 30

Yesterday after my therapy I went to the gym (big surprise I am always there), it is truly  my second home)
I did body pump with Ellie here at my left hand side.

I  brought my black gloves to work out. I enjoyed every single moment of it.

After Ellie it was time for some Zumba with Mike.

As mentioned I enjoyed every single second of my gym time.

At the gym Marisol did my coverage,  that is she awaited diligently for  me at the reception until I was done. As usual my time to leave is 7pm and this is when I am dropping whatever I am doing and leave. I am going to be back the following day anyway.

At the gym I was given some Fiber one snack. I tried by I do not like it that much.

After Zunba I had my meds  and went ahead with eating a banana.
A post work out good source of Potassium

Last day of the month breakfast this morning

Picture this: the park is really beautiful, the colors are great (look at the clouds in the sky)

The local roses are so beautiful. You have to learn to appreciate  Nature.

Next  Sunday  is Chicco's Name Day.

This morning I prepared a letter for him.

I already sent it this morning back to La Canada.
In it I am inviting Chicco  to take example from S. Francis in order to keep being such a good example for Lapo our youngest son.

In the morning Simona was taking the boys to La Canada Elementary school (a very good public school in  the area).

She mentioned that this afternoon the boys are  going to have Piano Lesson with Liz.
She comes to our house to teach piano to the boys.

The boys are well  formed in their activities, they develop every single potential of their personality.
Music is a good activity for the brain.

I second very much this activity.

Enjoy the reading.
I am working on my database for Lisa.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Sept 29

Yesterday evening after Therapy I went to the gym.

There was no Yoga and I  had Insanity with Alma. This picture has been taken by her husband.

Insanity is an intense workout that explores the use of all muscles of the body.

It includes jumping and coordination with leg and arm. I enjoyed the work out a lot.
It explored functionality of my body that have not been taped for a long time.

Later I had my normal routine.
Cycle with Britney. 
At 7pm it is time for me to leave the gym.

I met Larry and Janice at the gym.
We talked about the great public school system of La Canada.
I mentioned them that our kids go to public elementary school.
 Janice said that she knows very well were the school is located as her nephew is going there as well.

When I came back to the apartment I talked to my sons.
They were at home after their Taekwondo class and they were relaxing watching the latest movie of Star War.
Marina was with them as usual.

Simona was getting ready to go back to La Canada home.

At home I had  
1) Divalproex SOD  ER 500MG - Depakote 500MG 2 Tablets
                                      2) Melatonin 3 MG Tablet
                                      3) Trazodone 50 MG Tablet

 A banana as a Potassium snack.

I slept well and as usual at 6am I was up and running.

My healthy breakfast

My morning medications are the following:

Metagenic Intrinsi B12
Citalopram HBR 10MG
Divalproex SOD ER 250MG
Vitamin C 500MG
Lavothyroxine 100 MCG Tab
Metagenics complex 1:1 Ultra
Potent C EPA-D4A-TRA

All my meds per dr. Edward,

These are the beautiful flowers of the apartment.
Red roses

Orange and yellow flowers.

Really beautiful.

I  did my normal laps at the park before taking the bus.

I like it very much.

While waiting at transportation I realized I had a headache. 
I asked nursing for a tylenol. Suzanne was prompt in giving me a couple.

She mentioned that Michael her son is doing great. He is a senior in high school. 

Simona and the boys are well. Simona took them to La Canada Elementary school.

Later today Chicco will be doing his homework ( he is in V grade). Lapo our youngest will quickly do his homework and then go to soccer practice. His team's coach is Ali and he is Kevon's dad.
Kevon is Lapo's best friend.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Lapo sleeping Sept 28 second post

As promised.. here is Lapo sleeping..

After his swimming practice.

Today Simona has started teaching again at Caltech. I am taking a bit more time off as I feel like I would like to stay off for a bit longer.


Monday September 28 part 1

Over the short weekend I was back to La Canada 660 Pomander Place.

Simona and the boys came to pick me up. Here the boys are watching Alvin and the chipmunks cartoon. Earlier they played soccer hence they came wearing the soccer clothes.

Simona came to pick me up and we did recycle at the local recycle place on Stockdale Hwy.
It was worth $4.46 (thank you for the help)

Afterward  the family drove to La Canada.

For dinner we had a good pizza at the Settebello pizzeria in Pasadena.

It is a typical Italian Pizzeria, they have wooden oven and really good Italian produce.

This is Lapo's and Simona's priceless smile.

This is my smile in front of a good Mozzarella Verace Margarita Pizza with Prosciutto

After Pizza I had Cannoli ( Filled with good Italian Ricotta)

Chicco and Lapo had Bombolini..

They enjoyed their dessert.

In La Canada I  found that martians were landed at the house and they were resting in peace after the long trip.

This is the boys's world ( a panoramic picture- Thank you Iphone)

At home I found beautiful Roses that Simona got from the University,

For Breakfast and only Chez Simona I  ate Nutella Ferrero

After Breakfast we went to church at S.Bede and father Tony held mass for the whole community.

As usual after church a little refreshment was available for the family.

The boys had their doughnuts. 

After Church We went with the boys at the Rosebowl as they had Swimming practice

This is Lapo at the left hand side and her teacher Jessica with the red hat.

Chicco swam in the big pool but  it was a very hot day and they removed the sun protection over there. So no picture from Chicco's practice.

I need to post Lapo's picture in the next post..
I run out of memory space for this blog.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Sept 25

Yesterday evening after therapy at CNS, I came back at the apartment and had a good dinner.

Afterward, I cleaned everything -dishes, table and floor and went to the gym.

It was my Zumba night. Afterward I had cycle with Tiffany. She is  the smiling lady at my right hand side.

I like going to the gym as I get me away from the CNS wall, among people that have normal reaction.

At about 7:15pm it was time for me to leave and go back to the apartment.

I feel have not lost the love for sport and physical exercise in general.
Alex came to pick me up at the gym.

Finally when I came back I took a soothing shower, a snack and my night meds.

As a night meds I am taking the following
- Trazone  50mg
-Divalrproex 500mg
-Melatoni 3mg

It is all good.

A great day starts from the early morning.

The sunrise is beautiful

the local roses are blossoming. 

Beauty is all over the park, you really have to open the eyes open to appreciate it.

My breakfast has been as usually really good. 
A home made fruit salad, a crunchy mixed granola, blueberry, milk, blueberry yogurt. Finally  a couple of slices of dark fiber bread,peanut butter and  honey creamed.
Of course a couple of cups of coffee.

Simona you are the strength of the family, you are my raw model.. it goes in the family obviously.
You had a great example in Anna.
I love you very much.

This morning I gave all my stickers to Miss Ivette, Miss Sara, Miss Starla and Miss Jasmine.

As a result I run out of stickers for the week.

Next week I will be able to bring with me a new batch.

Just before 8 o'clock I called my wife. She was taking our kids to school.
Out eldest Chicco greeted me a good day. Lapo the youngest one did not wanted to talk to me today.

Chicco is 9 while Lapo is 6.5 yeas old.

They are both good boys. At time I feel I have only Chicco around as Lapo ignores me.

I was in the bus, stepped out to say hello to Amanda, Johanna the sup mentioned it is not necessary to do so. In my opinion it is the correct procedure dear Johanna.. remember being a sups  means avoiding to get on my neck at each instance.

I am going to do some work for Lisa.
Enjoy your day.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday Sept 24 post lunch

We had Yoga with Miss Amy today at the AAC.
Yoga is a great practice to keep the body and mind find.
I like any sport very much. It makes me feel energized and strong again.

Miss Amy mentioned that her family is well.

I inquired about them. She smiled and mentioned they are doing fine.

After Yoga I had a good lunch.

I eat my meatloaf on the left hand side of this picture. As a side a healthy salad -tomatoes, arugula, carrots and tostadas from Simona.

Finally grapes as a fruit.

The flower is for Simona my wife.

Over lunch I called both my mom and my mother-in-law.
They are both doing fine.
My mom is having a quite life in Verona.
Enjoying  each day at her best.

My mother in law Anna is in Rome. She has a larger family to drawn upon, many sisters and a brother leaving nearby.

Both my mom and my mother-in-law are giving me always tips about how to make my cooking skills more refined.
Anna recommended to keep it simple and linear.

The weather in Verona is becoming cold.
My mom mentioned that in her apartment the temperature is fine, yet you feel the upcoming on the Autumn season. It is in the low 60s.

As I was eating outside and talking to my mom, Miss Tami came. I mentioned  that Miss Tami is of Italian descent. My mom told me to say Ciao to Miss Tami.

It is done..

Enjoy the reading.

Next I am going to work on my database for Lisa.
Thank you for reading

Thursday September 24

There are days when I feel to be like dynamite.. And  I kids a lot with the Maintenance crew guys,

Chaneh, James, Caesar and Jarron are always there to make me feel welcome.

A few days ago I snapped this picture of James's new shoes. 

Yesterday I spent my afternoon  cooking.

I made staffed peppers. I used ground turkey, eggs, bread crumbs,  spices.

I also cooked a meatloaf (polpettone). It is in the aluminum wrap of this picture.

Additionally I  prepared a fruit salad using the fresh fruit I had in the fridge.

These two pictures  are the result of my independent cooking activities.

I am following the recommendation of my mother Marta and of my mother in law Anna.
They both are the ones that give me a lot of tips on the cooking activities.

While the meatloaf was baking in the oven I wrote a letter to my kids.

I felt I wanted to share with them my daily activities.

I concluded my letter by saying: 

"I have a few fainted memories of my little kids - please forgive me.
Love Dad."

And this is true, I do not remember much of my kids early years, I now realize I lost these memories.

I am carrying in my backpack pictures of their youth, yet I do not remember in their daily activities.

Today I  did my normal routine in the morning.
I took a walk in the park got pictures of the roses.

Beautiful flowers aren't they?

This morning I had the second part of my money management.
Yesterday it was my day to return the receipt, today it was my day to get paid.
I received $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.
I  learned to stay within my outing by balancing out the remaining in charity to church.
I have more difficulties staying within my grocery shopping as I am normally spending more than the $75. In fact for the past 3 month my average in grocery shopping has been $97 per the data shown below.

Simona is well, she took out kids to school today. Lapo is in first grade while Chicco is in V grade.

Enjoy the reading,
It is appreciated.

Yoga is next