Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1 post lunch

We had a very good meditation with Matt . It is a very nice day outside hence we took the opportunity to seat outside enjoying the morning and we mediated in a group.

Focusing on your breath and on a sense of Mindfulness. Allowing the mind to settle on a single topics and on a single thought. It is all driven by your own breath.

After this great Mediation conducted by Matt it was time to eat.

I had a wonderful lunch: Tilapia with bread crumbs and green pepper stripes on the top.

A great healthy salad with arugula, cucumber and little tomatoes.

Tostadas and avocado to complete the light lunch.

Afterward I completed my work for Lisa ( She is a Senior Neuroscientist at CNS).

I started working with Lisa on August the 11th.
I have been preparing for her a database with all her articles.
Every time I need more articles to process for my database Lisa was making sure I had a new stack to process.
Today  September 1st  I turned in the last stack of papers.

The database has reached 312 entries.

It has been a pleasure of mine to contribute to Lisa's work and hence to the whole CNS research department.

I hope Lisa will be able to find more papers for me.

Enjoy your day.

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