Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Sept 17

Yesterday after my therapy at CNS I went to the gym.

I had a good dinner before hand.

A good Quinoa with chicken tender and a healthy salad.

At the gym  I had cycle with Erica (the lady at my right hand side of the picture)

After Yoga I had body pump with Sylvia ( she is the lady at my right hand side)

At the gym I greeted Pete and his wife Michelle, Delia, Amanda and Richard. Many familiar faces.

Thank you David for your coverage.. you are learning more and more the rules and the procedures...
You are still a bit anxious about your duties, please remember I am not a new patient at CNS..I've been doing it for the past years.

Today my breakfast..

Flowers are getting there.. somebody has taken the other roses.

You see there are patients that believe they are better handling flowers by cutting them and putting into a glass of water. Different life different choices.


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