Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday September 21

Last Friday I went to the gym to do Zumba with Caroline.

She is the lady with the hat at my right hand side. Next to me is Lee a very pleasant person.
At my left is a girl who was with us at the gym. We included her in this picture.

Last  Saturday Morning the usual home activities
Changing the bed sheets, washing my bathrobe and all my accumulated clothe.

I cleaned the bathroom carefully

Run the vacuum cleaner in the whole apartment

Finally I washed the floor carefully. 

It was perfectly clean as I like to keep it.

In the morning I went to do grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's

I spent $85.93 better than usual as my average for the past few months has been about $95

The usual routine over there: Stickers and tickets for the raffle, also many smiling faces

She is Meredith

She is Cloy

Finally for lunch I had my sushi together with a fruit salad I made earlier.

As always when I have time I wrote to my family. To my kids I am writing in  English and block letter.

For our youngest son I made a drawing of the Statue of Liberty in NYC.

The reason is that my wife Simona has been attending a conference in NYC. She came back home at 11pm last Saturday.

I felt the theme of this drawing was appropriate for Lapo.

On Saturday afternoon I sent home my letter.

They are going to receive during the week.
I emailed them the images of my letter and of my drawing to my kids.

Hence they have received it instantaneously.

On Saturday afternoon at 6:30pm I went to see a nice movie. 
The title is Captive. It is a nice story about hope, faith and God. 
I enjoyed the movie.

At the movie theater I had bids and this time I had an ice tea.
No more soft drink. I made my decision.

Beside tea is cheaper than a soft drink

She is Morgana. She is a nice smiling face at the movie theater.

This time I did not see Roger.

On Sunday morning I went to church at S. Philip the Apostle.

I had  saved at the movie theater, so I used the saving for charity at church.

I was able to give them $6.00 At Church there was a missionary priest who was collecting donation for a Charity in Africa. He showed us his plans for his missionary work.
God bless him and his project.

He mentioned that the donations are in such a way split; 96.4% to the poor and 3.6% in administration.

After church I went to the gym. I did my own routine.

I like it this way. This is my routine.
My weight was 185.8lb

Kyle took me to the gym in style with the big bus.

Time for lunch
Enjoy the reading.

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