Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Sept 29

Yesterday evening after Therapy I went to the gym.

There was no Yoga and I  had Insanity with Alma. This picture has been taken by her husband.

Insanity is an intense workout that explores the use of all muscles of the body.

It includes jumping and coordination with leg and arm. I enjoyed the work out a lot.
It explored functionality of my body that have not been taped for a long time.

Later I had my normal routine.
Cycle with Britney. 
At 7pm it is time for me to leave the gym.

I met Larry and Janice at the gym.
We talked about the great public school system of La Canada.
I mentioned them that our kids go to public elementary school.
 Janice said that she knows very well were the school is located as her nephew is going there as well.

When I came back to the apartment I talked to my sons.
They were at home after their Taekwondo class and they were relaxing watching the latest movie of Star War.
Marina was with them as usual.

Simona was getting ready to go back to La Canada home.

At home I had  
1) Divalproex SOD  ER 500MG - Depakote 500MG 2 Tablets
                                      2) Melatonin 3 MG Tablet
                                      3) Trazodone 50 MG Tablet

 A banana as a Potassium snack.

I slept well and as usual at 6am I was up and running.

My healthy breakfast

My morning medications are the following:

Metagenic Intrinsi B12
Citalopram HBR 10MG
Divalproex SOD ER 250MG
Vitamin C 500MG
Lavothyroxine 100 MCG Tab
Metagenics complex 1:1 Ultra
Potent C EPA-D4A-TRA

All my meds per dr. Edward,

These are the beautiful flowers of the apartment.
Red roses

Orange and yellow flowers.

Really beautiful.

I  did my normal laps at the park before taking the bus.

I like it very much.

While waiting at transportation I realized I had a headache. 
I asked nursing for a tylenol. Suzanne was prompt in giving me a couple.

She mentioned that Michael her son is doing great. He is a senior in high school. 

Simona and the boys are well. Simona took them to La Canada Elementary school.

Later today Chicco will be doing his homework ( he is in V grade). Lapo our youngest will quickly do his homework and then go to soccer practice. His team's coach is Ali and he is Kevon's dad.
Kevon is Lapo's best friend.


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