Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thursday September 3 medical procedure

Last Friday September 4 I underwent a colonoscopy procedure at the Truxton Surgery Center with Dr. Matuk.

It was about time for me to have this procedure performed.

The most difficult part of this procedure is to get ready for it.

A day and a half before the procedure I started taking laxative for cleansing my colon.

This is the least pleasant part of it. Imagine that you have to clean out all the colon. Hence I took a  lot of laxative and a lot of staying close to the restroom time.

During this time I was allowed to have only liquid: water, tea, chicken broth.

As I did stay back at the apartment I took the chance of cleaning the whole apartment.

I cleaned the whole fridge, closet and shelf.
I disposed of the items that where overdue.

 I cleaned the kitchen, washed the floor.

I  cleaned my bedroom, dusting it out and running the vacuum cleaner.

Finally it was time for  my restroom.

It was a good time for me to  clean around.

In itself it did last about 10 minutes. I was given a mild sedative but I stay awaken.
Dr.Matuk mentioned that  he found a small intestinal polyp and removed it.

It was good for me to undergoing this procedure.

This is done..
Let's switch to my lunch today: Risotto with Porcini Mushroom. A great Tilapia fish with a lot of Parsley and yellow peppers. Finally a great Salad as a desert a couple of mandarin.

A great  lunch.

During lunch I talked with my mother in law Anna in Rome.
She mentioned she was watering her flower back home.
She said that I become a real chef... 

I truly believe the person I am is the results of everybody's effort and love. 

I feel I own a lot to my wife, my mother in law Anna my mom back in Italy and to CNS in general for being able to accommodate and being patient with me.

Already I am working on my project with Lisa.

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