Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday September 22

Yesterday Johanna took me to Walmart to fix my glasses. The optical center changed  the glasses's nose pads for $2.02. As I was there I also purchased some dental floss.

I had a light and good dinner.

Protein, carbs from vegetable and fiber from bread.

In the evening  went to the gym to my Yoga class. The teacher  was Erica- at my right hand side.

After Yoga I had a cycle class with Tiffany. She is the smiling person at my left hand side.

At the gym I greeted the nice persons I normally meet over there.

My excellent coverage was done by David who is learning to perform his duty.

Yesterday the boys had Taekwondo.
After the gym I came back to the apartment and got my  evening meds. Trazodone, Divalproex and Melatonine.

I slept well and at 6 am I was up and running again.

This morning as usual I collected the papers in the park. 
I also went to trough the trash away ( stair up and stair down) it is all good.

I greeted Wii, a person that I met regularly at the park.

We normally exchange a few words and then each goes doing his/her morning routine.

I had a good breakfast.. a healthy breakfast.

A flower for Simona

Today it is 93F d and it is really hot.

The result is that on the bus there was no water.

As a result I called the receptionist at CNS to let them know.

I also left a voice mail for the supervisor.

Well Jemena mentioned she did not had the time to get the water today.

I guess it would be good to have a system that wold ensure the reliable supply of water as the temperature in Bakersfield is really hot.

Good service goes  trough these little minutiae

Well enjoy the reading.

I am going to work on my database for Lisa.

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